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Last updated at 4:16 am UTC on 9 April 2018
This page is not for feature announcements.

This page is for:

1) Requests-suggestions to add features to the VM, that is, features which cannot be easily added within the image


2) You can't-won't do the feature for some reason: you lack expertise, hardware, and/or time.


I'd like a back door to be able to execute something on the native platform, i.e., fire an AppleScript applet on a Mac, or execute a command line in DOS or UNIX Shell.

On UNIX you can fake it with a named pipe. From a shell run "mkfifo /tmp/fifo; sh /tmp/squeakfifo", then have Squeak write commands to that same fifo. – FeatureWishList

Several people would like to have serial support. I've hacked up primitive support for the Mac, but it's just open/close/read/write, no support for parameters such as baud rate etc. –