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Exercise: construct a launcher window - version 3
Last updated at 10:37 pm UTC on 4 December 2021
On this page it is explained how a Launcher is done. A number of buttons is presented stacked in a column.
Upon pressing a button a method call on a class object is executed.

Two basic ToolBuilderSpecs (GUI specification) objects are used to set up the launcher.

The buttons are specified with triplets:

The Launcher is started with
 Launcher open

Description of the Launcher code

Button definitions

The buttons have been defined as follows in a method called
	^ #(
		( 'SystemBrowser' #openBrowser #lightBrown )
		( 'Help browser' #openHelpBrowser #lightGray )
		( 'Workspace' #openWorkspace #green )
		( 'Transcript' #openTranscript #red  )
		( 'Monticello' #openMonticello #lightBlue  )
		( 'FileList' #openFileList #yellow )		

The method #extent gives the size of the launcher.

These buttonDefinitions are used to build the launcher (Launcher is a subclass of Model) are built with the following method
 buildButtonsWith: aBuilder
 	^ aBuilder pluggablePanelSpec new
 		model: self;
 		layout: #vertical;
 		children: (self buttonDefinitions collect: [ :each |
 			aBuilder pluggableButtonSpec new
 				model: self; 
 				label: each first;
 				action: each second;
 				color: (Color perform: each third);	
 				"enabled: each fourth;"
 				yourself ]);

Note that #enabled is not used. All buttons are enabled by default. If an #enabled method is give it is possible to enable the button depending on a condition.

Full code for the Launcher

Copy the code below and paste it into a Workspace. Then file it in.

Then open it as described above
 Launcher open

There is also comment in the class 'Launcher'.

'From Squeak6.0alpha of 15 November 2017 [latest update: #17506] on 25 November 2017 at 11:45:42 pm'!
Model subclass: #Launcher
	instanceVariableNames: ''
	classVariableNames: ''
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'ToolBuilder documentation example'!
!Launcher commentStamp: 'hjh 11/25/2017 23:42' prior: 0!
A Launcher presents a list of button to lauch tools.

Change the method #buttonDefinitions in category 'definitions' to adapt it to your needs.

It is a simple demo how to use the ToolBuilder to construct a tool.


			Launcher open


!Launcher methodsFor: 'actions' stamp: 'hjh 11/25/2017 23:31'!

SystemBrowser defaultOpenBrowser
! !

!Launcher methodsFor: 'actions' stamp: 'hjh 11/25/2017 23:37'!

FileList open
! !

!Launcher methodsFor: 'actions' stamp: 'hjh 11/23/2017 10:49'!

HelpBrowser open! !

!Launcher methodsFor: 'actions' stamp: 'hjh 11/25/2017 23:36'!

MCWorkingCopyBrowser open
! !

!Launcher methodsFor: 'actions' stamp: 'hjh 11/25/2017 23:33'!

ToolBuilder open: TranscriptStream
! !

!Launcher methodsFor: 'actions' stamp: 'hjh 11/25/2017 23:33'!

Workspace open! !

!Launcher methodsFor: 'definitions' stamp: 'hjh 11/25/2017 23:44'!
	^ #(
		( 'SystemBrowser' #openBrowser #lightBrown )
		( 'Help browser' #openHelpBrowser #lightGray )
		( 'Workspace' #openWorkspace #green )
		( 'Transcript' #openTranscript #red  )
		( 'Monticello' #openMonticello #lightBlue  )
		( 'FileList' #openFileList #yellow )		
		)! !

!Launcher methodsFor: 'definitions' stamp: 'hjh 11/23/2017 18:49'!

	^ 140 @ 180! !

!Launcher methodsFor: 'definitions' stamp: 'hjh 11/23/2017 13:11'!
	^ 'Launcher'  ! !

!Launcher methodsFor: 'toolbuilder' stamp: 'hjh 11/23/2017 18:58'!
buildButtonsWith: aBuilder
	^ aBuilder pluggablePanelSpec new
		model: self;
		layout: #vertical;
		children: (self buttonDefinitions collect: [ :each |
			aBuilder pluggableButtonSpec new
				model: self; 
				label: each first;
				action: each second;
				color: (Color perform: each third);	
				"enabled: each third;"
				yourself ]);
		yourself.! !

!Launcher methodsFor: 'toolbuilder' stamp: 'hjh 11/23/2017 18:47'!
buildWith: aBuilder
	| window |
	window := aBuilder pluggableWindowSpec new
		model: self; label: self label; extent: self extent;
		children: (OrderedCollection new 
			add: ((self buildButtonsWith: aBuilder)
				frame: self buttonsFrame;
	^ aBuilder build: window.! !

!Launcher methodsFor: 'toolbuilder' stamp: 'hjh 11/23/2017 07:28'!

^LayoutFrame fractions: (0@0 corner: 1@1) 

	^LayoutFrame new
		leftFraction: 0 offset: 0;
		topFraction: 1 offset: self buttonHeight negated;
		rightFraction: 1 offset: 0;
		bottomFraction: 1 offset: 0
"		! !

"-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- "!

Launcher class
	instanceVariableNames: ''!

!Launcher class methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'hjh 11/23/2017 07:38'!
	^ ToolBuilder open: self new.! !
