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Last updated at 8:03 am UTC on 9 August 2017
Instances of the class TTFontDescription actually represent TrueType fonts.

An instance responds to the message
 at: aCharOrInteger' 
and gives back a TTGlyph seen through the cmap table of the TrueType font.

A method in category 'rendering'

renderGlyph: code height: fontHeight fgColor: fgColor bgColor: bgColor depth: depth
	"Render the glyph with the given code point at the specified pixel height."
	^(self at: code) 
		asFormWithScale: fontHeight asFloat / (ascender - descender) 
			ascender: ascender 
			descender: descender 
			fgColor: fgColor bgColor: bgColor depth: depth

accesses an instance of the class TTGlyph with
(self at: code)
That instance of TTGlyph then renders itself as an instance of the class Form using #asFormWithScale:ascender:descender:fgColor:bgColor:depth:.

See also