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Last updated at 12:59 am UTC on 17 January 2006
This is the home page for BrowseUnit, which is a small project providing integration for SUnit and SLint in the various browsers, including the Star Browser and the Refactoring Browser.


BrowseUnit adds buttons to each of these browsers, allowing you to do the following :

Some more buttons are added in the button pane (the button bar which contains buttons like 'browse', 'senders', 'implementors'...). Since this bar is not of infinite size, you may want to enable the preference abbreviatedBrowserButtons.


You can download and fileIn the tests here

Now you can open a Browser on the Browser class (doIt):
Browser browse.

And you can click on the '!' button to run the tests downloaded earlier.

Quick tutorial

Given that there isn't much to learn ...
I suggest you download and fileIn the tests, and open a browser on the Browser class. A class browser should open, with six buttons instead of three.

Clicking on the 'tests' button will transport you to the BrowserTest class, and clicking on it again will move you back to the Browser class.

Clicking on the '!' button will run all the tests on the Browser class : there are 13 of them, all of them should pass. The button should therefore get a nice green color, indicating success.

Clicking on the 'slint' button will either run SLint or tell you to install it (you don't have the Refactoring Browser ?). Running it will take a bit of time (a few seconds on my machine), and you should evaluate the quality of the code of the Browser class ...

If you have the button row in your browser (toggled by the preference optionalButtons), there are two more buttons to explain, at the left of the 'source' button:

The 'test' button : go to the method testCase in class Browser, category 'BrowseUnit-Main Stuff'. Click on it, and you will browse the method testTestCase in the BrowserTest class. It works the other way round too.

The 'run!' button : will run the test testTestCase if you are browsing the testCase method or the testTestCase method.

Finally, you should be aware that these buttons offers you to create defaults tests and stub methods if they don't exist. For example, clicking on the 'tests' button on the class Foo, will ask you if you want to create the TestCase FooTest. Moreover, clicking on the second 'test' button (method test button) on the bar method on class Foo will offer you the choice of creating the testBar method in class FooTest.