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Last updated at 7:42 pm UTC on 17 February 2011
Here I share the learnings of the build of FunSqueak, this time using Cog VM and the 4.2 alpha version of Squeak.
From mails...

Sunday, 19 September 2010, 11:00:23 am, squeak






Monday, 20 September 2010, 11:34:48 am, squeak
Today I discover condensing changes gives corrupt .7.changes, so I go back one step and re do , putting here exact steps I made.
First, I add Utilities class-updateFromServerCleanup and modify Utilities class-updateFromServer and update image to 10529.
Saved as FunSqueakCog4.2-10529-alpha.6.image.
Going to Games project.
Opening MonticelloBrowser.
From Ladrillos I load PackageInfo-Base-edc.43
Then from disk I add Monticello-edc.388.cs
This two was the pre-requisites for we could have MultiMediaMonticello.
As example I load MorphicPuzzle-edc.2

Monday, 20 September 2010, 1:57:29 pm, squeak
The IconicButtonFix is for you could import old SystemWindows.
If the SystemWindow have test into, maybe you also should import ComponentLikeModel.1.cs first

Monday, 20 September 2010, 2:01:56 pm, squeak
After I put OCompletion using Levente script, have a walback and fix with SearchBarMorph-event handling
SearchBarMorph-event handling.st

See mails for more info

Wednesday, 22 September 2010, 11:13:24 am, squeak
When I load SplitJoin, like to test.
'abracadabra' splitOn: $b. [820]an OrderedCollection('a' 'racada' 'ra')

'abracadabra ' splitOn: 'ca' [816]an OrderedCollection('abra' 'dabra ')

' loves ' join: #('john' 'jane' 'jack') 'john loves jane loves jack'
all works , but....
I have a walkback
MessageNotUnderstood: SmalltalkEditor>>blinkPrevParen:
22 September 2010 7:47:37.649 am

VM: Mac OS - Smalltalk
Image: Squeak4.2alpha [latest update: #10529]

SecurityManager state:
Restricted: false
FileAccess: true
SocketAccess: true
Working Dir /Users/edgar/imagesZip/FunSqueakCog4.2-10423-alpha.6
Trusted Dir /foobar/tooBar/forSqueak/bogus/
Untrusted Dir /foobar/tooBar/forSqueak/bogus/

SmalltalkEditor(Object)>>doesNotUnderstand: #blinkPrevParen:
	Receiver: [2064]a SmalltalkEditor
	Arguments and temporary variables: 
		aMessage: 	blinkPrevParen: $)
		exception: 	MessageNotUnderstood: SmalltalkEditor>>blinkPrevParen:
		resumeValue: 	nil
	Receiver's instance variables: 
		sensor: 	[4065]a KeyboardBuffer
		morph: 	[855]a TextMorphForEditView(855)
		selectionShowing: 	false
		model: 	[1464]a Workspace
		paragraph: 	[3270]a MultiNewParagraph
		pointBlock: 	a CharacterBlock with index 185 and rectangle 187@64 corner: 187@80...etc...
		markBlock: 	a CharacterBlock with index 185 and rectangle 187@64 corner: 187@80
		beginTypeInBlock: 	nil
		emphasisHere: 	#()
		otherInterval: 	(185 to: 184)
		lastParenLocation: 	nil
		oldInterval: 	(104 to: 146)
		styler: 	nil

[] in OController(ECController)>>smartCharacter:
	Receiver: [1477]an OController
	Arguments and temporary variables: 
<<error during printing>
	Receiver's instance variables: 
		model: 	[3027]a WeakArray([1464]a Workspace)
		menuMorph: 	nil
		editor: 	[2064]a SmalltalkEditor
		context: 	nil
		oppositeChar: 	nil
		caret: 	nil
		inverseMapping: 	[3874]a Dictionary($"->$" $'->$' $)->$( $]->$[ $}->${ )
		expanded: 	false
		contextClass: 	OContext

Wednesday, 22 September 2010, 11:15:26 am, squeak
I attach one more quick fix

Wednesday, 29 September 2010, 11:55:44 am, squeak
Review of the builds and isolation of troubles
To see which packages was loaded at which stage
And in each we do
Import and inspect the .obj (when you drag and drop is automatic)
Then in the code panel of inspector
((PackageOrganizer default packages collect: [:ea| ea packageName ] ) difference: self) asSortedCollection

Wednesday, 29 September 2010, 12:11:06 pm, squeak
Packages add in stage ...
.2 #('MorphicGames' 'Functions' 'MorphicWrappers')
.3 #('Comet-Core' 'Comet-Examples' 'Comet-Pharo-Core' 'Comet-Tests-Core' 'ConfigurationOfGofer' 'ConfigurationOfGrease' 'ConfigurationOfKomHttpServer' 'ConfigurationOfMagritte2' 'ConfigurationOfMetacello' 'ConfigurationOfOmniBrowser' 'ConfigurationOfPier2' 'ConfigurationOfPierAddOns2' 'ConfigurationOfSPort2' 'ConfigurationOfSeaside30' 'ConfigurationOfSwazoo2' 'ConfigurationOfXMLSupport' 'DynamicBindings' 'Functions' 'Gofer-Core' 'Grease-Core' 'Grease-Pharo-Core' 'Grease-Tests-Core' 'Grease-Tests-Pharo-Core' 'JQuery-Core' 'JQuery-Tests-Core' 'JQuery-Tests-UI' 'JQuery-UI' 'Javascript-Core' 'Javascript-Pharo-Core' 'Javascript-Tests-Core' 'Javascript-Tests-Pharo-Core' 'KomHttpServer' 'KomServices' 'Magritte-Model' 'Magritte-Morph' 'Magritte-Pharo-Model' 'Magritte-Pharo-Seaside' 'Magritte-Seaside' 'Metacello-Core' 'Metacello-MC' 'Metacello-Platform' 'MorphicGames' 'MorphicWrappers' 'OB-Morphic' 'OmniBrowser' 'Pier-Blog' 'Pier-Book' 'Pier-Documents' 'Pier-EditorEnh' 'Pier-Google' 'Pier-LinkChecker' 'Pier-Model' 'Pier-Pharo-Model' 'Pier-Pharo-Persistency' 'Pier-Pharo-Seaside' 'Pier-Seaside' 'Pier-Security' 'Pier-Setup' 'Prototype-Core' 'Prototype-Tests-Core' 'RSS-Core' 'RSS-Examples' 'RSS-Tests-Core' 'Scriptaculous-Components' 'Scriptaculous-Core' 'Scriptaculous-Tests-Components' 'Scriptaculous-Tests-Core' 'Seaside-Adaptors-Comanche' 'Seaside-Adaptors-Swazoo' 'Seaside-Canvas' 'Seaside-Component' 'Seaside-Core' 'Seaside-Development' 'Seaside-Email' 'Seaside-Environment' 'Seaside-Examples' 'Seaside-FileSystem' 'Seaside-Flow' 'Seaside-HTML5' 'Seaside-InternetExplorer' 'Seaside-Pharo-Canvas' 'Seaside-Pharo-Continuation' 'Seaside-Pharo-Core' 'Seaside-Pharo-Development' 'Seaside-Pharo-Email' 'Seaside-Pharo-Environment' 'Seaside-Pharo-Flow' 'Seaside-Pharo-Tools-OmniBrowser' 'Seaside-Pharo-Tools-Web' 'Seaside-RenderLoop' 'Seaside-Session' 'Seaside-Swazoo' 'Seaside-Tests-Adaptors-Comanche' 'Seaside-Tests-Canvas' 'Seaside-Tests-Component' 'Seaside-Tests-Core' 'Seaside-Tests-Development' 'Seaside-Tests-Email' 'Seaside-Tests-Environment' 'Seaside-Tests-Examples' 'Seaside-Tests-FileSystem' 'Seaside-Tests-Flow' 'Seaside-Tests-Functional' 'Seaside-Tests-HTML5' 'Seaside-Tests-InternetExplorer' 'Seaside-Tests-Pharo-Continuation' 'Seaside-Tests-Pharo-Core' 'Seaside-Tests-Pharo-Development' 'Seaside-Tests-Pharo-Functional' 'Seaside-Tests-RenderLoop' 'Seaside-Tests-Session' 'Seaside-Tests-Tools-Web' 'Seaside-Tests-UTF8' 'Seaside-Tools-Core' 'Seaside-Tools-OmniBrowser' 'Seaside-Tools-Web' 'Seaside-Welcome' 'Seaside-Widgets' 'Services' 'Sport' 'Star functions' 'Swazoo')

For not repeat all from here I do
(PackageOrganizer default packages collect: [:ea| ea packageName ] ) asSortedCollection saveOnFileNamed: 'FunPackages.3'
and repeat

.4 #('AST-Core' 'AST-Semantic' 'Environments' 'OB-Refactory' 'OB-Regex' 'OB-SUnitIntegration' 'OB-Shout' 'Refactoring-Core' 'Refactoring-Spelling' 'Shout' 'ShoutWorkspace' 'VB-Regex')

.5 #('BroomMorphs-Base' 'BroomMorphs-Connectors' 'CGPrereqs' 'Connectors' 'ConnectorsBasicDistro' 'ConnectorsDemo' 'ConnectorsGraphLayout' 'ConnectorsShapes' 'ConnectorsText' 'ConnectorsTools' 'ConsCell' 'Continuation' 'FFI-Kernel' 'FSM' 'FunctionalTalk' 'HTML' 'InstanceEncoder' 'MuO' 'MuO39' 'OSC' 'OSProcess' 'People' 'PluggableMemory' 'ProcessProperties' 'Prolog' 'REPLMorph' 'Regex' 'StringFormat' 'TestBrowser')

.6 #('Aida' 'ConfigurationOfAida' 'Network-IRC' 'OMeta2-Postload' 'OMeta2-Preload')

.7 #('MorphicPuzzle' 'SandstoneDb')

.8 #('Alien-VMMaker-Plugins' 'Balloon3D-Constants' 'Balloon3D-Plugins' 'ECompletion' 'FFI-Pools' 'FreeType' 'Freetype-Plugin' 'MemoryAccess' 'Ocompletion' 'RoelTyper' 'SharedPool-Speech' 'SlangBrowser' 'SplitJoin' 'VMConstruction-Plugins-AioPlugin' 'VMConstruction-Plugins-OSProcessPlugin' 'VMConstruction-Plugins-XDisplayControlPlugin' 'VMMaker')

Thursday, 30 September 2010, 1:03:34 pm, squeak
Trying to have Connectors from Etoys
Object-dNU #fontIndexOfPointSize.log
Solved reverting TextMorph >> boldAuthoringPrototype to Yoshiki version of 1/20/2005

List of modified methods I put into the image
Utilities class-updateFromServer.st
Utilities class-updateFromServerCleanup.st

