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Open a Workspace with content
Last updated at 9:47 am UTC on 30 October 2018
To programmatically open a workspace with some text already in it, execute this Squeak code:

  new textContents: ('Hello  World!! This is a test.') 
  openLabel: 'Workspace test'

 | st ws |
 st := WriteStream  on: String new.
 0 to: 30 do: [:i | st nextPutAll: (Date today addDays: i) printString.
	             st nextPutAll: ': '.
	             st cr].

 ws := Workspace new.
 ws contents: st contents.
 ws openLabel: 'Next 31 days'.


To include the weekday
 | st ws |
 st := WriteStream  on: String new.
 0 to: 30 do: [:i | | d |
 	                      d := Date today addDays: i.
 	                      st nextPutAll: d dayOfWeekName.
 	                      st nextPutAll: ', '.
 	                      st nextPutAll: d printString.
 	                      st nextPutAll: ': '.
 	                      st cr].
 ws := Workspace new.
 ws contents: st contents.
 ws openLabel: 'Next 31 days'.

Open a Workspace with text content

See also

List the content of all workspaces of all projects in an image.