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A block as the target of a SimpleButtonMorph
Last updated at 9:00 am UTC on 7 June 2018
The target of an instance of SimpleButtonMorph may be a Block object.
The method #value is sent to it when the button is pressed.
Then the code in the block is executed.


    s := SimpleButtonMorph new.
    s target: [TttBoardTest new testSuite]. "– this is a block object"
    s label: 'TttBoardTest'.
    s position: 20 @ (Display height - 60). "– this positions the button"
    s actionSelector: #value. "– this message gets sent to the block
                                when the button is released"
    s openInWorld.


    s := SimpleButtonMorph new.
    s target: [(EllipseMorph new extent: 5050; color: Color red) openInHand]. "– this is a block object"
    s label: 'Get a red dot'.
    s actionSelector: #value. "– this message gets sent to the block
                                when the button is released"
    s openInHand.

This works in Squeak 5.1 and Pharo 5.0 (and earlier versions)
