add(Object) - Method in class com.davlin.j2ee.value.ListValue
addUser(String, HttpSession) - Method in class com.davlin.j2ee.controller.CurrentUserList
Add a user and an associated session to the table of users
AppConfig - class com.davlin.j2ee.controller.AppConfig.
This class is used to load and store all the settings for the application.
APPCONFIGLOAD - Static variable in class com.davlin.j2ee.XtendedException
ApplicationBiz - class com.davlin.j2ee.business.ApplicationBiz.
Base class for all application scope business classes.
ApplicationBiz() - Constructor for class com.davlin.j2ee.business.ApplicationBiz
AppModelManagerKey - Static variable in class com.davlin.j2ee.controller.conf.WebKeys


BeanInterface - interface com.davlin.j2ee.beans.BeanInterface.
This interface is to be used by all the beans.
BUSINESS - Static variable in class com.davlin.j2ee.XtendedException
businessController - Variable in class com.davlin.j2ee.business.SessionBiz
A reference to the business controller.
BusinessController - class com.davlin.j2ee.controller.BusinessController.
Takes care of all business related activities.
BUSINESSCONTROLLER - Static variable in class com.davlin.j2ee.XtendedException
BusinessObject - class com.davlin.j2ee.business.BusinessObject.
Base class for all the business objects.
BusinessObject() - Constructor for class com.davlin.j2ee.business.BusinessObject


CheckParameterTag - class com.davlin.j2ee.tags.CheckParameterTag.
Used to check for a parameter in the request object.
CheckParameterTag() - Constructor for class com.davlin.j2ee.tags.CheckParameterTag
com.davlin.j2ee - package com.davlin.j2ee
com.davlin.j2ee.beans - package com.davlin.j2ee.beans
com.davlin.j2ee.business - package com.davlin.j2ee.business
com.davlin.j2ee.controller - package com.davlin.j2ee.controller
com.davlin.j2ee.controller.conf - package com.davlin.j2ee.controller.conf
com.davlin.j2ee.controller.mapper - package com.davlin.j2ee.controller.mapper
com.davlin.j2ee.event - package com.davlin.j2ee.event
com.davlin.j2ee.tags - package com.davlin.j2ee.tags
com.davlin.j2ee.value - package com.davlin.j2ee.value
controllerLoader - Variable in class com.davlin.j2ee.controller.XtendedHttpServlet
ControllerLoader - class com.davlin.j2ee.controller.ControllerLoader.
As the name suggests, this class is responsible for loading all the application scope components of the controller.
ControllerLoaderKey - Static variable in class com.davlin.j2ee.controller.conf.WebKeys
copy(ListValue) - Method in class com.davlin.j2ee.value.ListValue
createControllerLoader(ServletContext, HttpServletRequest) - Static method in class com.davlin.j2ee.controller.ControllerLoader
The static method which creates the controller loader.
createDefaultPage(HttpServletResponse) - Method in class com.davlin.j2ee.controller.mapper.Target
This method is used to create the default error page
createModuleMaps(Node, FileSystemManager) - Method in class com.davlin.j2ee.controller.mapper.MasterMapper
Load the module maps given the root node of the tree that contains the descriptions
CRITICAL - Static variable in class com.davlin.j2ee.XtendedException
CurrentDateTagExtraInfo - class com.davlin.j2ee.tags.CurrentDateTagExtraInfo.
The extra info class associated with the CurrentDataTag
CurrentDateTagExtraInfo() - Constructor for class com.davlin.j2ee.tags.CurrentDateTagExtraInfo
CurrentUserList - class com.davlin.j2ee.controller.CurrentUserList.
Gives the list of all the users logged in into the application.


DatabaseManager - class com.davlin.j2ee.controller.DatabaseManager.
Responsible for all the database related functions.
DATABASEMANAGER - Static variable in class com.davlin.j2ee.XtendedException
DatabaseManagerKey - Static variable in class com.davlin.j2ee.controller.conf.WebKeys
DEFAULT_TARGET - Static variable in class com.davlin.j2ee.controller.mapper.URLMapper
dispatch(ControllerLoader, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class com.davlin.j2ee.controller.mapper.Target
display() - Method in class com.davlin.j2ee.controller.mapper.URLMapper
Used to display the complete tree to the default out.
doAfterBody() - Method in class com.davlin.j2ee.tags.ListTagSupport
doEndTag() - Method in class com.davlin.j2ee.tags.RequestURITag
doEndTag() - Method in class com.davlin.j2ee.tags.IsPageAttributeTag
doEndTag() - Method in class com.davlin.j2ee.tags.IfTrueTag
doEndTag() - Method in class com.davlin.j2ee.tags.LastActionTag
doEndTag() - Method in class com.davlin.j2ee.tags.ReqQueryTag
doEndTag() - Method in class com.davlin.j2ee.tags.CheckParameterTag
doEndTag() - Method in class com.davlin.j2ee.tags.ReqParameterTag
doEndTag() - Method in class com.davlin.j2ee.tags.PrevRequestURITag
doEndTag() - Method in class com.davlin.j2ee.tags.IfFalseTag
doEndTag() - Method in class com.davlin.j2ee.tags.ListTagSupport
doEndTag() - Method in class com.davlin.j2ee.tags.NoLastActionTag
doEndTag() - Method in class com.davlin.j2ee.tags.ReqAttributeTag
doGet(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class com.davlin.j2ee.controller.XtendedHttpServlet
doInitBody() - Method in class com.davlin.j2ee.tags.ListTagSupport
doPost(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class com.davlin.j2ee.controller.XtendedHttpServlet
doStartTag() - Method in class com.davlin.j2ee.tags.RequestURITag
doStartTag() - Method in class com.davlin.j2ee.tags.IsPageAttributeTag
doStartTag() - Method in class com.davlin.j2ee.tags.IfTrueTag
doStartTag() - Method in class com.davlin.j2ee.tags.LastActionTag
doStartTag() - Method in class com.davlin.j2ee.tags.ReqQueryTag
doStartTag() - Method in class com.davlin.j2ee.tags.CheckParameterTag
doStartTag() - Method in class com.davlin.j2ee.tags.ReqParameterTag
doStartTag() - Method in class com.davlin.j2ee.tags.PrevRequestURITag
doStartTag() - Method in class com.davlin.j2ee.tags.IfFalseTag
doStartTag() - Method in class com.davlin.j2ee.tags.ListTagSupport
doStartTag() - Method in class com.davlin.j2ee.tags.NoLastActionTag
doStartTag() - Method in class com.davlin.j2ee.tags.ReqAttributeTag


ERROR - Static variable in class com.davlin.j2ee.controller.conf.ModelKeys
ERROR_TARGET - Static variable in class com.davlin.j2ee.controller.mapper.URLMapper
Event - class com.davlin.j2ee.event.Event.
The base class for all the event objects, this class contains the basic functionality required for an event.
EVENT - Static variable in class com.davlin.j2ee.XtendedException
Event() - Constructor for class com.davlin.j2ee.event.Event
EventHandler - interface com.davlin.j2ee.business.EventHandler.
Interface required to implement if a business object wants to accept events.
EVENTHANDLER - Static variable in class com.davlin.j2ee.XtendedException
EventInfo - class com.davlin.j2ee.controller.mapper.EventInfo.
Holds all the information for a specified event.
EventMapper - class com.davlin.j2ee.controller.mapper.EventMapper.
EVENTMAPPER - Static variable in class com.davlin.j2ee.XtendedException
EventMapper() - Constructor for class com.davlin.j2ee.controller.mapper.EventMapper
EventResponse - class com.davlin.j2ee.controller.EventResponse.
The basic object all the event handlers should return in response to the event.
EventResponse() - Constructor for class com.davlin.j2ee.controller.EventResponse
EventResponse(boolean, String) - Constructor for class com.davlin.j2ee.controller.EventResponse
Set the last action info when the object is created itself
EVENTTRANSLATOR - Static variable in class com.davlin.j2ee.XtendedException


failureReason - Variable in class com.davlin.j2ee.event.Event
FILESYSTEM - Static variable in class com.davlin.j2ee.XtendedException
FileSystemManager - class com.davlin.j2ee.controller.FileSystemManager.
Class to manage all the file paths.
fileSystemPrefix - Variable in class com.davlin.j2ee.controller.FileSystemManager
formCode - Variable in class com.davlin.j2ee.event.Event


get(int) - Method in class com.davlin.j2ee.value.ListValue
getAppConfig() - Method in class com.davlin.j2ee.controller.ControllerLoader
To get a reference to the AppConfig object
getAppConstant(String) - Method in class com.davlin.j2ee.controller.BusinessController
Get the constant given the key from the appConfig file.
getApplicationBean(String) - Method in class com.davlin.j2ee.controller.ModelManager
Returns the bean by the specified name in the application scope if it exists, or if it does not exist, it is created.
getAppModelManager() - Method in class com.davlin.j2ee.controller.ControllerLoader
To get a reference to the application scope model manager
getAttribute(String) - Method in class com.davlin.j2ee.controller.XtendedRequest
Get a value from the session store
getBean(HttpServletRequest, String) - Method in class com.davlin.j2ee.controller.ModelManager
getBean(PageContext, String) - Method in class com.davlin.j2ee.controller.ModelManager
This method just creates the bean and returns a reference to it.
getBizValue(BusinessController) - Method in class com.davlin.j2ee.beans.ThreadedBean
Method to get the data from the business logic.
getBusinessController() - Method in class com.davlin.j2ee.controller.UserControllerLoader
To get a reference to the businessController
getBusinessController() - Method in class com.davlin.j2ee.controller.ModelManager
Get the business controller associated with the current session
getBusinessController(PageContext) - Static method in class com.davlin.j2ee.controller.UserControllerLoader
If the tags require the reference of the business controller, they should use this method.
getBusinessObject(String) - Method in class com.davlin.j2ee.controller.BusinessController
Given the class name, returns the business object.
getCode() - Method in class com.davlin.j2ee.XtendedException
Get the error code
getConnection() - Method in class com.davlin.j2ee.controller.DatabaseManager
Get a connection to the default database
getConnection(String) - Method in class com.davlin.j2ee.controller.DatabaseManager
Get a connection to the specified database
getConstant(String) - Method in class com.davlin.j2ee.controller.AppConfig
Get the constant defined in the conf file for the given key
getControllerLoader() - Method in class com.davlin.j2ee.controller.UserControllerLoader
Get the reference to the main controller Loader
getControllerLoader(ServletContext) - Static method in class com.davlin.j2ee.controller.ControllerLoader
To get the controller loader from the internal map.
getCount() - Method in class com.davlin.j2ee.value.ListValue
getCurrentInstanceId() - Method in class com.davlin.j2ee.controller.AppConfig
Get the name of the current context
getCurrentUserList() - Method in class com.davlin.j2ee.controller.ControllerLoader
To get a reference to the current user list
getDatabaseManager() - Method in class com.davlin.j2ee.controller.BusinessController
Gets the database manager associated with the current instance.
getDatabaseManager() - Method in class com.davlin.j2ee.controller.ControllerLoader
To get a reference to the database manager
getEvent() - Method in class com.davlin.j2ee.controller.mapper.EventInfo
Get the event object associated with the event info object
getEventClassName() - Method in class com.davlin.j2ee.controller.mapper.EventInfo
Get the event class name associated with the form code used to create this object.
getEventInfo(String) - Method in class com.davlin.j2ee.controller.mapper.EventMapper
Get the event info associated with the given form code
getEventInfo(String, HttpServletRequest) - Method in class com.davlin.j2ee.controller.mapper.MasterMapper
Get the event info for the given form code.
getFailureReason() - Method in class com.davlin.j2ee.event.Event
In the case the event failed, this method returns the reason for the event failure.
getFileName() - Method in class com.davlin.j2ee.controller.UploadFile
Returns the name of the file which was uploaded.
getFilePath(String) - Method in class com.davlin.j2ee.controller.FileSystemManager
Given the name of the file along with the relative path, the full path is returned after appending the given path with the base path given in the application configuration file.
getFileSystemManager() - Method in class com.davlin.j2ee.controller.ControllerLoader
To get a reference to the file system manager
getFormCode() - Method in class com.davlin.j2ee.event.Event
To get the form code which was used in the creation of this event object.
getFormCode() - Method in class com.davlin.j2ee.value.LastActionValue
Get the form code that resulted in this action.
getFullFileName() - Method in class com.davlin.j2ee.controller.UploadFile
This method returns the actual name of the file on the server.
getFullPath() - Method in class com.davlin.j2ee.controller.UploadFile
To get the full path of the file in case the file has been written to permanent storage
getHandlerClassName() - Method in class com.davlin.j2ee.controller.mapper.EventInfo
Get the handler class name associated with the form code used to create this object.
getLastActionReason() - Method in class com.davlin.j2ee.controller.EventResponse
Get the reason for the last action
getLastActionValue() - Method in class com.davlin.j2ee.business.LastActionSessBiz
Returns the value object that represents the last action.
getLastActionValue(BusinessController) - Method in class com.davlin.j2ee.beans.LastActionBean
This method returns the value object that contains the result of the last action that took place at the back end.
getMasterMapper() - Method in class com.davlin.j2ee.controller.ControllerLoader
To get a reference to the master mapper
getModelList() - Method in class com.davlin.j2ee.value.Value
Method is used to get the list of models that the data represented by this value object is sensitive to.
getModelManager() - Method in class com.davlin.j2ee.controller.UserControllerLoader
Get the reference to the model manager
getModelUpdateList() - Method in class com.davlin.j2ee.controller.mapper.EventInfo
Get the list of models specified for the event in the mapper config file
getParameter(String) - Method in class com.davlin.j2ee.controller.XtendedRequest
Get a parameter which was provided in the form and is not present by the default request object.
getReason() - Method in class com.davlin.j2ee.value.LastActionValue
Get the reason for the outcome.
getRequest() - Method in class com.davlin.j2ee.controller.XtendedRequest
Get the HttpServletRequest object associated with this request
getRequestedURI() - Method in class com.davlin.j2ee.controller.SessionStore
getServletContext() - Method in class com.davlin.j2ee.controller.ControllerLoader
Get a reference to the servlet context for this application
getSession() - Method in class com.davlin.j2ee.controller.UserControllerLoader
Get the reference to the session object associated with this controller instance
getSession(String) - Method in class com.davlin.j2ee.controller.CurrentUserList
Given the user name returns the associated session.
getSessionBean(String) - Method in class com.davlin.j2ee.controller.ModelManager
Returns the session scope bean specified by the name if it already exists, or if the bean does not exist, it is created.
getSessionStore() - Method in class com.davlin.j2ee.controller.UserControllerLoader
Get a reference to the session store.
getTargetInfo() - Method in class com.davlin.j2ee.controller.mapper.Target
getTrace(String) - Method in class com.davlin.j2ee.XtendedException
Gets the list of messages that were loaded for this exception to be traced.
getUserControllerLoader(HttpSession) - Method in class com.davlin.j2ee.controller.ControllerLoader
Get the user controller loader for the specified session
getUserMessage() - Method in class com.davlin.j2ee.XtendedException
Gets the top most user message
getValue() - Method in class com.davlin.j2ee.beans.ThreadedBean
Get the value object stored in the bean.
getVariableInfo(TagData) - Method in class com.davlin.j2ee.tags.CurrentDateTagExtraInfo
getVariableInfo(TagData) - Method in class com.davlin.j2ee.tags.LastActionTagExtraInfo


handleEvent(Event, BusinessController) - Method in interface com.davlin.j2ee.business.EventHandler
Method called by the framework to handle an event.
hasEventFailed() - Method in class com.davlin.j2ee.event.Event
This method returns true incase there was an internal error when the event was created.


IfFalseTag - class com.davlin.j2ee.tags.IfFalseTag.
Include the body if the given condition evaluates to false.
IfFalseTag() - Constructor for class com.davlin.j2ee.tags.IfFalseTag
IfTrueTag - class com.davlin.j2ee.tags.IfTrueTag.
Include the body if the given condition evaluates to true.
IfTrueTag() - Constructor for class com.davlin.j2ee.tags.IfTrueTag
init(BusinessController) - Method in class com.davlin.j2ee.business.BusinessObject
init(BusinessController) - Method in class com.davlin.j2ee.business.ApplicationBiz
Initialize method, called automatically by the framework.
init(BusinessController) - Method in class com.davlin.j2ee.business.SessionBiz
Initialize method, called automatically by the framework.
init(BusinessController) - Method in class com.davlin.j2ee.beans.ThreadedBean
Called by the framework to initialize the bean.
init(ListValue) - Method in class com.davlin.j2ee.tags.ListTagSupport
The subclass has to extend this and the value object sent to it has to be stored by it.
init(ModelManager) - Method in interface com.davlin.j2ee.beans.BeanInterface
Called by the framework to initialize the bean.
init(Node) - Method in class com.davlin.j2ee.controller.FileSystemManager
Given the root node of the DOM tree loaded from the config file, load the object.
init(XtendedRequest) - Method in class com.davlin.j2ee.event.Event
This method has to be overloaded by all the subclasses.
isActionSuccessful() - Method in class com.davlin.j2ee.controller.EventResponse
Check if the last action failed
isContextSame - Variable in class com.davlin.j2ee.controller.FileSystemManager
isFileWritten() - Method in class com.davlin.j2ee.controller.UploadFile
To check if the file has been written to the permanent storage
isLastActionSuccessful() - Method in class com.davlin.j2ee.value.LastActionValue
Get the result of the last action.
IsPageAttributeTag - class com.davlin.j2ee.tags.IsPageAttributeTag.
Used to compare a given key value pair in the page context.
IsPageAttributeTag() - Constructor for class com.davlin.j2ee.tags.IsPageAttributeTag


LastActionBean - class com.davlin.j2ee.beans.LastActionBean.
Last action info is set whenever there is some operation in the backend.
LastActionBean() - Constructor for class com.davlin.j2ee.beans.LastActionBean
LastActionSessBiz - class com.davlin.j2ee.business.LastActionSessBiz.
This bean is used to store the information about the last action that took place.
LastActionSessBiz() - Constructor for class com.davlin.j2ee.business.LastActionSessBiz
LastActionTag - class com.davlin.j2ee.tags.LastActionTag.
Used to display the info regarding the last action.
LastActionTag() - Constructor for class com.davlin.j2ee.tags.LastActionTag
LastActionTagExtraInfo - class com.davlin.j2ee.tags.LastActionTagExtraInfo.
Defines all the variables that are to be set in the JSP for the tag
LastActionTagExtraInfo() - Constructor for class com.davlin.j2ee.tags.LastActionTagExtraInfo
LastActionValue - class com.davlin.j2ee.value.LastActionValue.
Represents the information of the last action that took place in the business layer.
LastActionValue(boolean, String, String) - Constructor for class com.davlin.j2ee.value.LastActionValue
Constructor to create the object and add data into it.
list - Variable in class com.davlin.j2ee.value.ListValue
ListTagSupport - class com.davlin.j2ee.tags.ListTagSupport.
Base class for all the body tags.
ListTagSupport(String) - Constructor for class com.davlin.j2ee.tags.ListTagSupport
The constructor of the sub class should call this constructor and provide it with the name of the bean.
ListValue - class com.davlin.j2ee.value.ListValue.
Base class for all the value objects that represent a list.
ListValue() - Constructor for class com.davlin.j2ee.value.ListValue
loadAppConfig(String, String, MasterMapper, FileSystemManager, DatabaseManager) - Method in class com.davlin.j2ee.controller.AppConfig
The main method which takes the filename and loads the complete master map.
loadDatabases(Node) - Method in class com.davlin.j2ee.controller.DatabaseManager
This method takes the reference to the root node of the tree which contains the information of all the databases.
loadDrivers(Node) - Method in class com.davlin.j2ee.controller.DatabaseManager
This method takes a part of the generated DOM tree and extracts the database driver string and instantiates it.
loadMapperFile(String) - Method in class com.davlin.j2ee.controller.mapper.EventMapper
Load the event mapper object with the data specified in the mapper file.
loadMapperFile(String) - Method in class com.davlin.j2ee.controller.mapper.URLMapper
Load the mappings from the given file.


MasterMapper - class com.davlin.j2ee.controller.mapper.MasterMapper.
An instance can have only one MasterMapper object.
MASTERMAPPER - Static variable in class com.davlin.j2ee.XtendedException
MasterMapper() - Constructor for class com.davlin.j2ee.controller.mapper.MasterMapper
ModelKeys - class com.davlin.j2ee.controller.conf.ModelKeys.
ModelKeys() - Constructor for class com.davlin.j2ee.controller.conf.ModelKeys
ModelManager - class com.davlin.j2ee.controller.ModelManager.
The Model Manager is the object responsible for managing all the beans.
MODELMANAGER - Static variable in class com.davlin.j2ee.XtendedException
ModelUpdateList - class com.davlin.j2ee.controller.ModelUpdateList.
Contains a list of models.
ModelUpdateList() - Constructor for class com.davlin.j2ee.controller.ModelUpdateList


NoLastActionTag - class com.davlin.j2ee.tags.NoLastActionTag.
Used in case some code is to be displayed in the case of no last action.
NoLastActionTag() - Constructor for class com.davlin.j2ee.tags.NoLastActionTag


parseURI(HttpServletRequest, int) - Method in class com.davlin.j2ee.controller.mapper.MasterMapper
Parse the given url and return the target
parseURI(String, HttpServletRequest, int) - Method in class com.davlin.j2ee.controller.mapper.URLMapper
performUpdate(BusinessController) - Method in class com.davlin.j2ee.beans.ThreadedBean
This method is called by the framework to update the data in the bean.
PrevRequestURITag - class com.davlin.j2ee.tags.PrevRequestURITag.
This tag is used to move one step back from the current URI.
PrevRequestURITag() - Constructor for class com.davlin.j2ee.tags.PrevRequestURITag
processEvent(EventInfo, HttpServletRequest, UserControllerLoader) - Method in class com.davlin.j2ee.controller.XtendedHttpServlet
This method processes the event in the eventInfo object by sending it to the business controller and returns the required target.
processRequest(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class com.davlin.j2ee.controller.XtendedHttpServlet
The only method the sub classes have to implement and the method that is called when a request is got.
putAttribute(String, Object) - Method in class com.davlin.j2ee.controller.XtendedRequest
Place a value in the session store


removeSession(HttpSession) - Method in class com.davlin.j2ee.controller.CurrentUserList
Removes the entry with the given session.
removeUser(String) - Method in class com.davlin.j2ee.controller.CurrentUserList
Removes the entry with the given user name from the table.
ReqAttributeTag - class com.davlin.j2ee.tags.ReqAttributeTag.
Used to get an attribute in the request object for a given key.
ReqAttributeTag() - Constructor for class com.davlin.j2ee.tags.ReqAttributeTag
ReqParameterTag - class com.davlin.j2ee.tags.ReqParameterTag.
Used to get a parameter in the request object for a given key.
ReqParameterTag() - Constructor for class com.davlin.j2ee.tags.ReqParameterTag
ReqQueryTag - class com.davlin.j2ee.tags.ReqQueryTag.
Gets the query string for the current request and directly outputs it.
ReqQueryTag() - Constructor for class com.davlin.j2ee.tags.ReqQueryTag
RequestURIKey - Static variable in class com.davlin.j2ee.controller.conf.WebKeys
RequestURITag - class com.davlin.j2ee.tags.RequestURITag.
This tag places the current request URI at the position where the tag is placed.
RequestURITag() - Constructor for class com.davlin.j2ee.tags.RequestURITag
resourcePrefix - Variable in class com.davlin.j2ee.controller.FileSystemManager


SECURITY - Static variable in class com.davlin.j2ee.XtendedException
servletPrefix - Variable in class com.davlin.j2ee.controller.FileSystemManager
servletResourceLink(String, String) - Method in class com.davlin.j2ee.controller.FileSystemManager
Given the jsp file name with the relative path, the full path is created and returned.
SessionBiz - class com.davlin.j2ee.business.SessionBiz.
Base class for all session business beans.
SessionBiz() - Constructor for class com.davlin.j2ee.business.SessionBiz
SessionStore - class com.davlin.j2ee.controller.SessionStore.
This object is used to store all the temporary information for the current user.
setAttributes() - Method in class com.davlin.j2ee.tags.ListTagSupport
If the value object is present and contains one or more records, this method is called till it returns false.
setCondition(Boolean) - Method in class com.davlin.j2ee.tags.IfTrueTag
Set the condition to be checked.
setCondition(Boolean) - Method in class com.davlin.j2ee.tags.IfFalseTag
Set the condition to be checked.
setEvent(Event) - Method in class com.davlin.j2ee.controller.mapper.EventInfo
Set the event object into this event info object
setFormCode(String) - Method in class com.davlin.j2ee.tags.LastActionTag
Set the form code to be checked.
setFormCode(String) - Method in class com.davlin.j2ee.tags.NoLastActionTag
setFormCode(String) - Method in class com.davlin.j2ee.event.Event
To set the form code which resulted in the creation of this event object.
setKey(String) - Method in class com.davlin.j2ee.tags.IsPageAttributeTag
Set the key to be searched for.
setKey(String) - Method in class com.davlin.j2ee.tags.CheckParameterTag
Set the key to be searched for.
setKey(String) - Method in class com.davlin.j2ee.tags.ReqParameterTag
setKey(String) - Method in class com.davlin.j2ee.tags.ReqAttributeTag
setLastActionEventInfo(Event) - Method in class com.davlin.j2ee.business.LastActionSessBiz
Set the event info into the last action info.
setLastActionInfo(boolean, String) - Method in class com.davlin.j2ee.business.LastActionSessBiz
Set the last action info.
setLastActionInfo(boolean, String) - Method in class com.davlin.j2ee.controller.BusinessController
Set the last action info for the action that took place.
setLastActionInfo(boolean, String) - Method in class com.davlin.j2ee.controller.EventResponse
Set the last action information.
setRequestedURI(String) - Method in class com.davlin.j2ee.controller.SessionStore
Set the URI user requested.
setValue(String) - Method in class com.davlin.j2ee.tags.IsPageAttributeTag
Set the value to be compared with.
setValue(String) - Method in class com.davlin.j2ee.tags.CheckParameterTag
Set the value to be compared with.
SQL - Static variable in class com.davlin.j2ee.XtendedException
SUCCESS_TARGET - Static variable in class com.davlin.j2ee.controller.mapper.URLMapper


Target - class com.davlin.j2ee.controller.mapper.Target.
The target class is the one responsible for forwarding or redirecting the request.
Target(String, boolean) - Constructor for class com.davlin.j2ee.controller.mapper.Target
Target(XtendedException) - Constructor for class com.davlin.j2ee.controller.mapper.Target
ThreadedBean - class com.davlin.j2ee.beans.ThreadedBean.
The multithread bean is the bean which can handle multiple threads accessing it simulataneously.
THREADEDBEAN - Static variable in class com.davlin.j2ee.XtendedException
ThreadedBean() - Constructor for class com.davlin.j2ee.beans.ThreadedBean
translateRequestToEvent(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class com.davlin.j2ee.controller.XtendedHttpServlet
Translates the data in the request into an EventInfo object.


UNKNOWN - Static variable in class com.davlin.j2ee.XtendedException
updateModels(EventResponse) - Method in class com.davlin.j2ee.controller.ModelManager
Given the list of models, all the beans that registered for those models are sent the update signal.
UploadFile - class com.davlin.j2ee.controller.UploadFile.
Stores the data of the uploaded file.
URLMapper - class com.davlin.j2ee.controller.mapper.URLMapper.
URLMAPPER - Static variable in class com.davlin.j2ee.XtendedException
URLMapper() - Constructor for class com.davlin.j2ee.controller.mapper.URLMapper
URLPARSE - Static variable in class com.davlin.j2ee.XtendedException
UserControllerLoader - class com.davlin.j2ee.controller.UserControllerLoader.
This controller loader is used to load all the components of the controller that are of session scope.
USERCONTROLLERLOADER - Static variable in class com.davlin.j2ee.XtendedException
UserControllerLoaderKey - Static variable in class com.davlin.j2ee.controller.conf.WebKeys
userNames() - Method in class com.davlin.j2ee.controller.CurrentUserList
Returns the enumeration of the list of users currently logged in.


value - Variable in class com.davlin.j2ee.beans.ThreadedBean
Value - class com.davlin.j2ee.value.Value.
This is the base class for all the value objects.
Value() - Constructor for class com.davlin.j2ee.value.Value


WebKeys - class com.davlin.j2ee.controller.conf.WebKeys.
This java class holds all the keys used in the different scopes to store data.
WebKeys() - Constructor for class com.davlin.j2ee.controller.conf.WebKeys
writeFile(String) - Method in class com.davlin.j2ee.controller.UploadFile
To write the file to the permanent storage.


XREQUEST - Static variable in class com.davlin.j2ee.XtendedException
XtendedException - exception com.davlin.j2ee.XtendedException.
The only exception object which is used in the framework.
XtendedException(int, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.davlin.j2ee.XtendedException
Used to create the lowest exception
XtendedException(XtendedException, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.davlin.j2ee.XtendedException
Used to create the higher level exception objects
XtendedHttpServlet - class com.davlin.j2ee.controller.XtendedHttpServlet.
All the servlets to be used in the application should extend this class.
XtendedHttpServlet() - Constructor for class com.davlin.j2ee.controller.XtendedHttpServlet
XtendedRequest - class com.davlin.j2ee.controller.XtendedRequest.
This class is an extension of the request object which adds to the functionality of the basic request object.