page 1 s/nearly, as fast/nearly as fast/ page 2 s/It doesn't try to compile quickly for the majority of code/ /It doesn't try to quickly compile the majority of code/ s/often a one/often one/ s/fast hopefully common case/fast (hopefully common) case/ s/the system the developed system/the developed system/ In the 3rd paragraph of 2.1 you say something like 'may have been' referring to the object memory design. I suspect a quick review of the Back to the Future document may help to remove the speculative tone: ASK ABOUT DETAGGING page 3 s/Modern CPUs are very fast but performance isn't simple/ /Modern CPUs are very fast but making efficent use of this speed isn't simple/ What does 'normally optimised' mean? 'taken jump'? s/Appel's "Modern compiler implementation in C" combined with the Urs Holzles' work in self/Appel's _Modern Compiler Implementation in C" combined with Urs Holzles' work in Self/ Book titles should be underlined or italicized. page 7 Is SSA spelled out anywhere? page 8 s/eliminate all the overhead however for/eliminate all the overhead; however for/ page 12 s/VisualWorks which is/VisualWorks is/ s/than VisualWork for the benchmark\./than VisualWorks./ s/C is slow either a memory/C is slow due to either a memory/ page 13 s/be speed up/be sped up/ s/of both do not/of both does not/ s/Such a optimiser/Such an optimiser/ In general you use 'should' a lot which makes it sound rather speculative. You might want to go through the text once and try to remove as many of those as possible. A bibliography would be nice even if it only lists the details for Appel and a link or two for useful papers from Holzle.