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This is my 1-cent tip for sombody's "I wish Search option of 'titles only'":

Create a new template named "searchTitle" as refs - addresses(book) - searchTitle, using SwikiBrowser
and write following code block into the edit pane:

| tokens pageFound | tokens := (request fieldsKey: 'search' ifAbsent: [ '' ]) asLowercase unescapePercents substrings. pageFound := book pages detect: [:p | tokens allSatisfy: [:tok | ((p name asLowercase) findString: tok) > 0 ] ] ifNone: [ book pages at: 1 ]. response at: 'headerStatus' put: #tempMoved; at: 'location' put: (request referenceShelf: shelf book: book address: pageFound id asString). ''

To search a specific title within a swiki, type URL like:

Of course, you can create a HTML form page posting to above URL in somewhere your swiki.

For more complete version, you can try:

| tokens pagesMatching | "Decrement process priority since it is a search" Processor activeProcess priority: (ComancheService defaultSearchPriority). [:stream | "Put Beginning" stream nextPutAll: (book formatBookTemplate: 'titleFoundBefore' request: request response: response shelf: shelf). "Put Results" tokens := (request fieldsKey: 'search' ifAbsent: [ '' ]) asLowercase unescapePercents substrings. pagesMatching := book pages select: [:p | tokens allSatisfy: [:tok | ((p name asLowercase) findString: tok) > 0 ] ]. pagesMatching size > 0 ifTrue: [ stream nextPutAll: (book formatBookTemplate: 'titleFoundMatch' request: request response: response shelf: shelf) ] ifFalse: [ stream nextPutAll: (book formatBookTemplate: 'titleFoundNoMatch' request: request response: response shelf: shelf) ]. stream cr; nextPutAll: '<ul>'; cr. pagesMatching do: [ :p | stream nextPutAll: (book formatPageTemplate: 'searchListing' request: request response: response shelf: shelf page: p); cr ]. stream nextPutAll: '</ul>'; cr. "Put End" stream nextPutAll: (book formatBookTemplate: 'titleFoundAfter' request: request response: response shelf: shelf) ]

In this case, you should create page templates for 'titleFoundBefore', 'titleFoundMatch', 'titleFoundNoMatch', 'searchListing', and 'titleFoundAfter', too.

You can just copy templates from 'foundBefore', 'foundMatch', ... and slightly modify them to use with new title-search feature.

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  • Swiki Wishlist last edited on 5 November 2006 at 10:01 pm by