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List of categories
Last updated at 3:15 am UTC on 16 December 2021
Show main categories with the number of subcategories:

 | n c s |
 n := 0.
 c := SystemOrganization categories.
 s := Bag new.
 c do: [:cat | s add: ((ReadStream on: cat) upTo: $-)].
 s sortedElements do: [:element | n := n +1. 
	Transcript show: n printString, ':    ', element printString; cr].

The result is

1:    '45Deprecated'->1
2:    '46Deprecated'->1
3:    '51Deprecated'->6
4:    '60Deprecated'->4
5:    'Balloon'->5
6:    'BalloonTests'->1
7:    'Chronology'->2
8:    'Collections'->14
9:    'CollectionsTests'->10
10:    'CommandLine'->2
11:    'Compiler'->5
12:    'Compression'->2
13:    'Environments'->5
14:    'Etoys'->87
15:    'Files'->4
16:    'GetText'->1
17:    'Graphics'->7
18:    'GraphicsTests'->3
19:    'Help'->4
20:    'HelpSystem'->8
21:    'Installer'->1
22:    'Kernel'->11
23:    'KernelTests'->5
24:    'Monticello'->11
25:    'MonticelloConfigurations'->1
26:    'Morphic'->20
27:    'MorphicExtras'->22
28:    'MorphicExtrasTests'->2
29:    'MorphicTests'->9
30:    'Multilingual'->6
31:    'MultilingualTests'->2
32:    'Nebraska'->6
33:    'Network'->9
34:    'NetworkTests'->6
35:    'PackageInfo'->1
36:    'PreferenceBrowser'->1
37:    'Protocols'->3
38:    'Regex'->3
39:    'ReleaseBuilder'->1
40:    'SMBase'->4
41:    'SMLoader'->1
42:    'ST80'->11
43:    'ST80Tests'->1
44:    'SUnit'->3
45:    'SUnitGUI'->1
46:    'Services'->4
47:    'ShoutCore'->3
48:    'ShoutTests'->1
49:    'Sound'->2
50:    'Squeak'->1
51:    'SqueakSSL'->3
52:    'System'->17
53:    'SystemChangeNotification'->1
54:    'SystemReporter'->1
55:    'Tests'->26
56:    'ToolBuilder'->6
57:    'Tools'->12
58:    'ToolsTests'->4
59:    'Traits'->2
60:    'TraitsTests'->1
61:    'TrueType'->2
62:    'UpdateStream'->1
63:    'UserObjects'->1
64:    'VersionNumber'->1
65:    'VersionNumberTests'->1
66:    'WebClient'->3
67:    'XML'->1