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Last updated at 9:21 am UTC on 29 April 2019
benchFib  "Handy send-heavy benchmark"
	"(result // seconds to run) = approx calls per second"
	" | r t |
	  t := Time millisecondsToRun: [r := 26 benchFib].
	  (r * 1000) // t"
	"138000 on a Mac 8100/100"
	^ self < 2
		ifTrue: [1] 
		ifFalse: [(self-1) benchFib + (self-2) benchFib + 1]


	"Yields an infinite sequence of fibonacci numbers."
	^ Generator on: [ :generator |
		| a b |
		a := 0. b := 1.
		[ a := b + (b := a).
		  generator yield: a ]
			repeat ]

Mailing list Tim Rowledge, AprilN 2019 - faster Fibonacci

A faster, optimized way to calculate Fibonacci

Assuming the code below is in a file called bigFig.cs the test may be run from the command line with

 squeak my.image bigFib.cs

Look first at the postscript at the bottom of the code.

'From Squeak5.2 of 13 December 2018 [latest update: #18225] on 17 April 2019 at 2:12:53 pm'!

!Integer methodsFor: 'benchmarks' stamp: 'tpr 4/17/2019 13:21'!
"derived from https://www.nayuki.io/page/fast-fibonacci-algorithms"
"(1 to: 20) collect:[:i| i fastDoublingFib]"
"testing a quite large one - "
"8577 fastDoublingFib= 13724780954457889052017147206983806244049002655849289934662148526555403650297300643609932653364630032094175733360509578504423049114004867523161091564824674600978308740378989479162611031273424686573759784740689516901416473328655422390895971263265867635819510949686102571388751758998017349379498918930220900180038324615253426530740473855269056304380498630108126734047701362218655030270360608989081398866489746698916626888016696892691933237089180504631788915650757757515944644732966345269202761471025651071790297611079540881155092137592980230998234868586211881093892491570520577408961869977892273540956424095750855208529072246641778982103984467921868950012668004047986803017482248992968482737462668300684879633714025755790485860328854796518843956263863014632532331145699658530054942590047273403691531821918862996422405159427262092477196755988981309029424760342802374213122162727840557722145891090413688461745240415668189577836068480363407847582529735341950500636735281963089675493707159434777756081146452522323681782226760627277553296721358921412115264845467834979154061137421532609247762981818564578019888974692581079593575783553856910367568474613323528337733872069223030834774749130478360574004172522316484339530942110067893000847800932306298725285623628731149337468217751734165148732164148285915275115006479682658150442259002271790547596033006363411193653337536041106069912826015502035140618407668385378737477702597473151509972754111640855347958033314453349633268543893894677097708945041254623018915871109789412793709229204261914803477697183287924195770678873001065036313926288444791424871512110658175954743584548831946767673488152740675550518235698898217693311515366329280005757014637854214769152690638778904780724293185353992279724740604674926819294787586671833537117545443846365508358918882"
	| a b c |
	a :=  0.
	b := 1.
	self highBit to: 1 by: -1 do:[:i||d e|
		d := (b bitShift: 1) - a karatsubaTimes: a.
		e := a squared + b squared.
		a := d.
		b := e.
		(self bitAt: i) = 1  ifTrue:[
			c := a + b.
			a := b.
			b := c]
	^a! !

!Integer methodsFor: '*FactorialContest' stamp: 'nice 7/23/2008 22:41'!
copyDigitsFrom: start to: stop
	"make a new integer keeping only some digits of self.
	Implementation should be faster than:
	self - ((self bitShift: -8*stop) bitShift: 8*stop) bitShift: -8*start"
	| len slice |
	start > 0 ifFalse: [^self error: 'start index should be at least 1'].
	len := self digitLength.
	(start > len or: [start > stop]) ifTrue: [^0].
	stop >= len
		ifTrue: [start = 1 ifTrue: [^self].
				len := len - start + 1]
		ifFalse: [len := stop - start + 1].
	slice := self class new: len neg: self negative.
	slice replaceFrom: 1 to: len with: self startingAt: start.
	^slice normalize! !

!Integer methodsFor: '*FactorialContest' stamp: 'nice 7/23/2008 22:00'!
	"Answer whether it is interesting to engage a Karatsuba multiplication algorithm with this integer.
	Karatsuba is more efficient than naive algortithm assymptotically for large numbers,
	but it has an overhead justifying to not use it on Small integers"
	^false! !

!Integer methodsFor: '*FactorialContest' stamp: 'nice 7/22/2008 21:01'!
karatsubaTimes: anInteger
	"eventually use karatsuba algorithm to perform the multiplication
	default to regular multiplication"
	^self * anInteger! !

!Integer methodsFor: '*FactorialContest' stamp: 'nice 7/22/2008 21:33'!
lowestNDigits: N
	"make a new integer keeping only N least significant digits of self.
	Implementation is faster than self - ((self bitShift: -8*N) bitShift: 8*N)"
	| low |
	N >= self digitLength ifTrue: [^self].
	low := self class new: N neg: self negative.
	low replaceFrom: 1 to: N with: self startingAt: 1.
	^low normalize! !

!LargePositiveInteger methodsFor: '*FactorialContest' stamp: 'nice 6/13/2011 13:48'!
	"See super.
	One possibility would be to count non zero, because regular
	multiplication might be more efficient with a sparse integer.
		^self hasMoreNonZeroDigitsThan: 256
	However, this would be called recursively, and would result
	in a cost O(digitLength^2),
	Another idea would be to make the sparsity test random.
	Here, we keep the simplest thing"
	^self digitLength >= 160! !

!LargePositiveInteger methodsFor: '*FactorialContest' stamp: 'nice 9/16/2008 21:42'!
karatsubaTimes: anInteger
	"eventually use Karatsuba algorithm to perform the multiplication"
	| half xHigh xLow yHigh yLow low high mid xLen yLen |
	(anInteger isLargeEnoughForKaratsuba
		and: [self isLargeEnoughForKaratsuba]) ifFalse: [^self timesInteger: anInteger].
	"Check if length ratio is more than 2, and engage a loop
	to operate on integers with well equilibrated lengths.
	Note that we only add overhead at this level,
	but we hope to gain in lower level recursion"
	(xLen := self digitLength) >= (yLen := anInteger digitLength)
		ifTrue: [(half := xLen bitShift: -1) >= yLen
			ifTrue: [^(0 to: xLen by: yLen) detectSum: [:yShift |
				((self copyDigitsFrom: yShift + 1 to: yShift + yLen)
					karatsubaTimes: anInteger)
						bitShift: 8 * yShift]]]
		ifFalse: [(half := yLen bitShift: -1) >= xLen
			ifTrue: [^(0 to: yLen by: xLen) detectSum: [:xShift |
				(self karatsubaTimes:
					(anInteger copyDigitsFrom: xShift + 1 to: xShift + xLen))
						bitShift: 8 * xShift]]].
	"At this point, lengths are well equilibrated, Divide each integer in two halves"
	xHigh := self bitShift: -8 * half.
	xLow := self lowestNDigits: half.
	yHigh := anInteger bitShift: -8 * half.
	yLow := anInteger lowestNDigits: half.
	"Karatsuba trick: perform with 3 multiplications instead of 4"
	low := xLow karatsubaTimes: yLow.
	high := xHigh karatsubaTimes: yHigh.
	mid := (xHigh + xLow karatsubaTimes: yHigh + yLow) - (low + high).
	"Sum the parts of decomposition"
	^low + (mid bitShift: 8*half) + (high bitShift: 16*half)
| a b |
a := 1000 factorial.
b := 2000 factorial.
{a digitLength. b digitLength}.
self assert: (a karatsubaTimes: b) - (a * b) = 0.
[Smalltalk garbageCollect.
[10 timesRepeat: [a karatsubaTimes: b]] timeToRun] value /
[Smalltalk garbageCollect.
[10 timesRepeat: [a * b]] timeToRun] value asFloat
"! !

!LargePositiveInteger methodsFor: '*FactorialContest' stamp: 'nice 6/13/2011 13:49'!
	"eventually use a divide and conquer algorithm to perform the multiplication"
	| half xHigh xLow low high mid |
	(self digitLength >= 160) ifFalse: [^self * self].
	"Divide digits in two halves"
	half := self digitLength bitShift: -1.
	xHigh := self bitShift: -8 * half.
	xLow := self lowestNDigits: half.
	"eventually use karatsuba"
	low := xLow squared.
	high := xHigh squared.
	mid := xLow karatsubaTimes: xHigh.
	"Sum the parts of decomposition"
	^low + (mid bitShift: 8*half+1) + (high bitShift: 16*half)
| a |
a := 8000 factorial.
a digitLength.
self assert: a * a - a squared = 0.
[Smalltalk garbageCollect.
[2 timesRepeat: [a squared]] timeToRun] value /
[Smalltalk garbageCollect.
[2 timesRepeat: [a * a]] timeToRun] value asFloat
"! !

!LargePositiveInteger methodsFor: '*FactorialContest' stamp: 'nice 9/16/2008 21:41'!
timesInteger: anInteger 
	"Primitive. Multiply the receiver by the argument and answer with an
	Integer result. Fail if either the argument or the result is not a
	SmallInteger or a LargePositiveInteger less than 2-to-the-30th (1073741824). Optional. See
	Object documentation whatIsAPrimitive. "

	<primitive: 29>
	^ self digitMultiply: anInteger 
					neg: self negative ~~ anInteger negative! !

Load a big fibonnaci calulator and then run 4784969 fastDoublingFib, write the time taken to stdout  and quit"
FileStream  stdout nextPutAll: [4784969 fastDoublingFib] timeToRun printString; flush.
Smalltalk snapshot: false andQuit: true

For a further enhanced version and discussion see mailing list posts of 26th March 2019.
The improvement achieved over the original version is a speed-up factor of 10.

Also see command line scripts