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Possible Category Hierarchy for SqueakMap
Last updated at 2:30 pm UTC on 16 January 2006
All packages sorted by name - on the SqueakMap site

[On an aside, please put SqueakMap browser in the tools flap and in the object/widget selection morph.]

Possible new categories:

(Maybe sort by number of downloads: first by category, then packages within the category.)

Current Packages:

Class libraries - Class libraries for Squeak to use for development


Entertainment - Anything making you smile!

All packages sorted by name

• 15-16-Puzzle - The classic puzzle done with four lines of EToys
• 3.7 Full Assembler - The assembler script that converts a plain 3.7 basic image into a sexy full one.
• 3D Facial Animation - An animated face based on Waters' muscle model.
• ANSI Compatibility - Moves Squeak quite a bit towards ANSI compatibility
• ANSI Tests - Sunit test for the ANSI Smalltalk part of Squeak
• AccuFonts - A set of replacement bitmap fonts unencumbered by Apple's license
• Actalk - Actalk is a testbed developped by Jean-Pierre Briot for modeling, classifying and experimenting with object-oriented concurrent programming languages.
• AioPlugin - Asynchronous IO event notification, e.g. signal a Semaphore when data is ready for read.
• Align Project Thumbnails - Aligns project view morph thumbnails
• AnnotatedMethodPuller - Gathers up items from suitably-annotated class-side methods
• AppRegistry - A simple registry to aid in removing packages from the image
• Appearance Menu Registry for Squeak 3.4 - Provides a menu registry for the world appearance menu.
• AppleScript Media Player Interface - AppleScript interface to interface with IDVD and QuickTime, plus manage Squeak
• Applescript - I represent a Squeak front-end to Applescript in the Macintosh
• Array2D - Array2D – just for compatibility, from Squeak 3.6
• Arrows - A relational algebra style of meta-object protocol for Squeak objects.
• AspectS - AspectS allows for general-purpose aspect-oriented programming in Squeak.
• Assertions - Port of Vassili Bykov's assertions from Squeak 2.7 to Squeak 3.7
• Atomic - Build chemical molecules using given atoms.
• BFAV2 - The core package for the Squeak harvesting tool
• BFAV2 Installer - Second-generation harvesting tool
• BRegexp for Squeak - Perl5 compatible regular expression library
• BTree - A BTree implementation suitable for use with remote object databases
• BabySRE - SRE (Squeak Reverse Engineering) is new set of three tools making Squeak objects visible and tangible:
• Background Loader - Background Loader with Preview for Squeak 3.7
• Background Loader with Preview for Squeak 3.4 - Provides a previewer for images that can be loaded as the desktop.
• BackupMaker - Backup tool.
• Balloon3D - External Balloon3D package
• Balloon3DRemoval - Removes Balloon3D from 3.4alpha
• Bar Graph - Bar Graph (or Bar Chart)
• Befunge'93 - The Befunge programming language, according to the ANTSY 1993 Specification
• BehavioralInspector - A new inspector which not violate the basic principle of encapsulation.
• Benchmarks - Various Benchmarks for Squeak
• Berkeley DB Plugin - An interface to Berkeley DB (http://www.sleepycat.com)
• BinarySavingMC - Binary storage facility for Monticello
• BitArray - Simple implementation of BitArray, which stores lots of bits.
• Bitstream Vera Fonts - 10 Free! TrueType Fonts and patches to TrueTypeFonts version 5 to support them
• Bitstream Vera Fonts Naked - Just the fonts - no patches
• BlogBrowser - A basic blog reader in Squeak.
• BobsUI - A development environment for standard GUI user interfaces
• BreakOut - A well designed breakout...
• Breakpoint Support - Adds breakpoint suppoirt to the method pane menu
• Broken entry for testing - DON'T INSTALL! - This is to test exception handling in the SMLoader
• BrowseUnit - Adds some unit testing support facilities in the browsers
• Browser Reduction - Reduces system-window proliferation by topping already-open system windows.
• BrowserInheritanceIcons - Adds some icons to the method inheritance button of browser like tools
• BrowsingSourceStringInCategory - Here is a piece of code allowing you to restrict searching source string in a category.
• Cassowary - Cassowary is an incremental constraint solving toolkit that efficiently solves systems of linear equalities and inequalities.
• Categorical SM Package Loader - Squeak Map Category oriented browser.
• Celeste - An e-mail client
• Celeste Removal - Refactors mail-handling code and then removes Celeste references
• Celeste Tests - Some simple SUnit tests for Celeste
• CelesteAddressBook - CelesteAddressBook can be used to browse your email addresses, auto collect them and sort by frequency.
• ChangeSet Revision Tag for Squeak 3.5 - Enhances change set preamble code
• Chess Castling Fix - Fix to Chess to prevent Castling through check (that's illegal!). Also added some constants for readability.
• ChickenEyes - A little cursor watcher :-)
• Chronology classes - ANSI DateAndTime, Duration, refactored Dates, Weeks, Months, Timezones and more
• Chuck - a type inferencer
• ChuckRepository - tells Monticello tools about the Chuck repository on SqueakMap
• Classbox - The Classbox Model: A Module System for Squeak
• ClassboxBrowser - Useful with Classboxes
• Cleanup - Just a bit of refactoring to split apart some packages
• Cleanup Tools - Some tools to help with the Cleanup work.
• ClosureCompiler-ajh - Block closures and new compiler
• Collections-Misc - A variety of methods and classes which add functionality to collections
• ColorDevTools (CDT) - Adds some color listing support to the existing tools. FileMergeContentsBrowser is also included.
• Comanche - A web serving framework for Squeak
• CommandShell - Smalltalk simulation of a Unix command shell integrated with Squeak
• Compiler - The new Compiler
• Completion Enhancements - Enhances Squeak's completion system
• Completion Morph - New pop up completion system for Squeak
• Compressed Sources File - Full browsing with squeak.sources compressed 4x
• ConflictChecker - Lets you check an older .cs/.st file for conflicts with methods from more recent update-changesets in your image
• Connectors - Diagramming application and framework for making structured drawing editors
• Continuations-ajh - Continuations a la Scheme
• Crop Morphs - Crop Sketch Morphs
• Crop SketchMorphs and Grab Screen Rect to JPG for Squeak 3.4 - Provides a menu option to allow a crop operation on an existing SketchMorph.
• Croquet Croquet for Croutons - A game somewhat reminiscent of Croquet for the Croquet environment
• Cryptography - Cryptographic algorithms and protocols
• CurvierCurves-wiz - PlayWithMe for better looking curves
• Czech Keyboard - Allows to enter Czech characters in iso-8859-2 encoding
• DHB Numerical Analysis - Smalltalk numerical analysis codes based on Didier Besset's
• DNS Client - A DNS client (a name resolver) implemented in Squeak using UDP sockets
• Dandelion - Smalltalk code analysis/output framework
• Debugger - key bindings - Add F4 to F11 key bindings for faster debugging
• Debugger - stub method creation - A small improvement to aid programming-in-the-debugger
• DeclarativePools - Provides a means for declarative pool 'dictionaries'
• DefaultExternalDropHandler - New default external drop handler that uses the FileList services to handle the file droped.
• Deprecated Methods for 3.6 - The list of all methods deprecated from Squeak 3.6.
• Developer Workspace - Assembles Developer Tools - wait for more things to come
• Diagram Browser - A tool for creating and browsing morphic drawings organized in a category tree
• DictionaryBrowser - A simple query and results browser for RFC 2229 dictionary servers
• Diego's UI Enhancements - A collection of tweaks to scrollbars, system windows and menus in Squeak
• DirectoryPlugin - Directory stream and file stat improvements for faster file and directory access
• Dispatch - An experimental multiple dispatch facility for Smalltalk
• DualMaze - A Croquet Maze Space
• DynamicBindings - A mechanism for per-process variable binding.
• E-Alterego - This is a minimal prototype of a Natural Language Understanding application written for Italian Language (for now)
• ECE Toolkit - Build simple circuit diagrams and analyze their truth-tables.
• ECoDE Design Environment - Object-Oriented Design with code import/generation, collaboration, and design critics.
• EasySqueak - Tools for the easy creation of simple exercises in squeak
• Edit Pretty Print Text Colors - Edit pretty print text colors
• Edit Text Colors for Squeak 3.4 - Provides a new editor allowing the easy modification of #colorPrint values for pretty print code panes.
• Eg - Examples to the rescue: Create examples, store them, create tests by dragging a method on an example
• Emacs key bindings - Set up key bindings for editting text with many of your favorite Emacs commands.
• Enhanced IRC Client for Squeak 3.4 - This is a significant rewrite of the built-in Squeak IRC client GUI. (Works with Squeak 3.5)
• Ephemerons - An implementation of Ephemerons for the Squeak VM
• Es-Sqeakz-Me - Playing with talking Morphs
• Eveline-Core - Discrete, event-driven or process-oriented simulation toolkit.
• Eveline-QueuingSystems - Extension of the Eveline-Core towards the queuing systems.
• Eveline-QueuingSystemsExamples - A set of example simulations utilizing the Eveline packages.
• EventInterceptorMorph - A tool for tracing Morphic event dispatching
• Extended Serial Port - Basic serial port support is Squeak is basic. This gives you full control over all serial devices
• ExternalWebBrowser - This small package should work as an alternative to scamper.
• Exupery - A byte code compiler written in Squeak
• Faure - A Squeak PDA environment for iPaqs etc
• FileList2 Dialogs Enhancement for Squeak 3.4 - Provides extensions to dialogs available from FileList2.
• FillInTheBlankMorph Look Enhancement - New look for FillInTheBlankMorph, compatible with Diego's other UI look enhancements
• Filtering Celeste - a version of Celeste that generalizes the filtering mechanism
• FlapsRegistry - Makes the registration-deregistration for the flaps easier
• Folktale - Object command shell for headless Squeak
• FontSetCream - The Cream Font
• FracTalk - A Smalltalk Implementation for the Fractal Component Model
• FractalMorph - Generates Mandelbrot set images, by zooming on different regions.
• Freetype/2 Font Demo - A demo of the Freetype/2 fonts, using pre-rendered antialiased Bitstream Vera fonts.
• FullImageProjectAlice - A project for Alice in the full image
• FullImageProjectSmalltalkIntroduction - A project containing a presentation of Smalltalk
• FullImageProjectSqueakPresentation - A presentation of Squeak and projects
• Fulltext Search - Adds fulltext searching capabilities
• Functional Pattern Matching - Functional Pattern Matching in Squeak
• GLORP port - Object-Relational Mapping Framework (see http://www.glorp.org)
• GOODS - Client library for the Generic Object Oriented Database System
• Games - The official Games Packages
• GamesRemoval - Separates Led classes into a new category and prepares to delete the games
• GamesTests - Tests for Games
• Garden - A notes editor that uses Squeak hypertext to provide a quick editor to a (currently local only) swiki
• Gardner - a Seaside Wiki
• GeneralEnh-ajh - Various fixes and enhancements to general objects and collections
• GentleSmalltalkIntroduction - Presentation of the Smalltalk Language
• GeoMaestro - beta release - GeoMaestro musical composition system - development snapshot
• GoodsServer - Run GoodsServer directly from Squeak
• Gradient Window Look - A look style for SystemWindows and standard widgets
• Graph - A Squeak Graph Library
• Graph-Morphic - Morphs classes for Graph
• Graphs - Classes to represent graphs
• Graphs-Morphs - Morphs that layout graphs interactively
• HC HTTPClient - An almost unconditionally HTTP/1.1 compliant client for Squeak.
• HTML-Parser - A strict HTML parser. Requires YAXO.
• HTMLBuilder - Base classes for HTML construction adapted from Seaside, used by HttpView2.
• HTMLTableMorph - Table implementation for Scamper.
• HTTPClient - A port of Steve Waring's HTTP 1.1 client library
• HaltOnce - Single trip-once halt command
• Hashing Framework - This framework provides better performing and more consistent hashing throughout the system.
• Hierarchy List Morph - Lines - Provides vertical line to SimpleHierarchicalMorph
• Hierarchy List Morph - Navigation - Provides different enhancements to SimpleHierarchicalMorph
• Hobble - A simple TCP/IP network circuit simulator
• HttpView2 - A very easy web application framework to build web apps in pure Squeak.
• Hypertext Fileout - Adds a menu item to the tecxt menu which files out text with attributes as a simple .st file.
• Hypertext Tutorial - A tutorial about hypertext in Squeak text (as created by Alt-6)
• IOHandle - Factor out external IO handles from FileStream and Socket hierarchies
• IRC - The IRC client from Squeak 3.6
• IRCBot - an infobot for use on #squeak at freenode.net in particular
• IRCLogViewer - A simple viewer for IRC log files (like the famous squeak IRC channel)
• IRCe - Combined IRC / Enhanced IRC package
• IRCe-Tests - Test suite for IRCe
• ISO-8859-2 font hack - Adds missing il2 glyphs (cz subset) to default font
• ISO-8859-2 fonts - Adobe Helvetica and Times in Central European encoding
• ISO-8859-2 fonts - TT - DejaVu font (Bitstream Vera derivative) installed as iso latin 2
• ISO-8859-2 scamper patch - Allows scamper work with Central European encoding
• Image Browser - You can view and compare the code in another image.
• InformationSpace - Causal Set engine and visualization tool
• InspectorEnh-ajh - Refactored inspector plus new compiled method inspector
• InstanceEncoder - Encode instances of objects to strings and back again
• Iterator - A wrapper for blocks that iterate over collections
• IvapParser - Instance Variable Acess Protecting Parser
• JDepper - A Java module analysis tool using full dependency output from Jikes as input.
• Jabber - A Squeak Jabber client
• Jacaranda - A UML-Like diagrams editor
• Java Serialization - Framework for reading/writing Java objects via the java serialization protocol
• Jeff's Animation Tools - Various tools for authoring animations and cartoons. Includes MorphAgents.
• KGraph - General purpose graph package
• Karel's World - Karel the Robot done with eToys
• Kats - a object oriented transaction system
• KeyBinder - A Global Mechanism for KeyBindings on Squeak
• Keymapping - Adds a GUI and lots of other things to the KeyMapper
• KomHttpServer - The Comanche Http Server
• KomPackaging - The Comanche Packaging Framework
• KomServices - The Comanche Service Management Framework
• KomikaText True Type Font - Install the KomikaText font and use it from eToys
• LDAPlayer - Adds support for LDAP
• Labby & Walker - Build yourself a labyrinth and take a walk in it.
• Language Game - Demo - UI-helper classes for a cool interactive parser generator!
• Language Game - Kernel - SmaCC based cool interactive parser generator!
• LanguageEditor - Editor for Babel's languages
• Large Collections - Adds efficient support for very large collections to Squeak
• Large Lists - A replacement PluggableListMorph and friends that performs well with very large lists
• Lazy Collections - Alternate calls to select:, reject:, and collect: for collections that doesn't create intermediate collections. It only creates the collection when needed.
• LifeMorph - An Implementation of Life Game in Morphic
• Lisp - A Lisp Interpreter for Squeak
• Lockdown - Locks Squeak down for shipping an end-user application
• LogEngine - A Log engine
• Logic expressions - A model of first order logic expressions
• Logic's Gate - Simple logic computer aided design tool
• Lucy Font Set - A tiny font based on Lucida, a readable font for small PDA screens.
• MAPIClient - Sends email through your regular email client
• MCInstaller - Allows Monticello packages to be installed from SqueakMap without having Monticello itself loaded.
• Ma Time Objects - Domain classes for dealing with aspects of Gregorian time using a pleasant API.
• Ma client server - Write client-server programs in one-line of code.
• Magma client - Easy-to-use object database, client-component.
• Magma server - Easy-to-use object database, server-component (also required for single-user local connections).
• Magma tester - The SUnit test scripts for Magma. The current version of Magma is included with this package.
• Manzana - Really simple physics simulations with Morphs
• Maui - A utility for building user-interfaces.
• MazeArray - Simple maze builder with a test morph to display the maze
• MemoryUsage - A subclass of ProgressMorph that displays the current VM memory usage.
• Menus Enhancements - A set of enhancements to menus.
• MetaClassBuilderFix - Fixes MetaClass reshaping bug seen after adding inst var. to ClassDescription
• Method Annotations - Allows methods to be annotated with metadata
• MethodRecompiler - Recompile methods without accessing source code
• Mewa - Meta-level Architecture for Generic Web-Application Construction (Seaside)
• MiniToDo - A very simple task administration system developed as learning project.
• MiniTraits - A small implementation of Traits
• MinneStore - MinneStore is a free, object-oriented database that is written entirely in Smalltalk and provides storage and retrieval of complex Smalltalk objects.
• Mondrian Tables - A couple of objects to render html tables in an easy way.
• Monticello - A versioning system for Squeak source code.
• MonticelloCVS - Provides CVS integration for Monticello packages
• Morph Dynamic Behavior - Allows scripts to be attached to any morph and invoked anywhere Squeak code can be executed.
• Morph Transitions and Effects - This changeset gives Morphs the ability to scroll vertically, fade in and out, cloak and decloak.
• MorphicFontEditor - A Morphic application to create and to edit StrikeFonts
• MorphicWrappers - MorphicWrappers
• Morse Code - Converts text messages to morse code.
• MudPie - Find patterns of dependencies in and between bundles of code
• Multi-level Undo for TextMorph - Undo/Redo history for TextMorph
• MultiColumn List Morph - Morph to handle single or multiple columns of data, with or without headers
• Musinum - A fractal music generator
• Mysql Driver - A framework for connection to MySQL databases over a network
• NagTool - A simple but useful reminder/todo/tasklist webapp.
• Named Process - Adds the ability to assign a name to a Process
• Namespaces - A proposal for Namespaces aimed at Squeak 3.8
• NetModel - Analytical modeling for simple data networks
• NetMorph - A highly intuitive mobile object system
• NetMorph MapServer - An Administrative Server for NetMorph
• NetStrings - An implementation of the Netstrings protocol
• Network-HTML - A simple HTML Parser
• NetworkRewrite I - Rewrite of the basic network code
• NewKindOfScienceIntro - Visualization of a one dimensional simple cellular automaton, used as introduction by Stephen Wolfram
• NewProgressBar - More appealing progress bar display in morphic
• NiceDoIt - Evaluates an expression in a low priority process.
• Ns Game - The ELECTRCITY game
• ODBC for Squeak - Very simple ODBC support for Squeak.
• ODBCEnh - Enhancements to the ODBC package
• ODECo - an easy tool kit for making 2-D dynamics simulation based on
• OSProcess - Access processes, pipes and functions on Unix/Linux and Windows
• OSProcessPlugin - Low level access to Unix, Linux and Windows
• ObjectAsMethodWrapper - Use the fast ObjectAsMethods from Andreas Raab for a code coverage
• ObjectsAsMethods - Allow any objects to act as a 'compiled method'
• OggVorbis - A
• OmniBase - A production-quality OO Database
• OmniBrowser - Replacement for the system browser
• OpenOffice Importer - Very simple importer of OpenOffice documents.
• OpenTypeViewer - A morphic application to explore OpenType font files
• OperaORB - OperaORB is a lightweight ORB on SoapCore.
• OperaORB-native - a light-weight ORB for RMT
• Over The Air - GSM modem server
• PDFReader - what the name says
• PLM Refactoring Forever - A refactored PLM for 3.7a-5707 later; Color, bold text, and morph items are supported.
• PNMReadWriter - Subclass of ImageReadWriter that decodes portable anymap file formats(pbm, pgm, ppm and pam).
• PWS Installation - Script that installs the Pluggable Web Server (PWS) package into Squeak.
• PWS Removal - Script that removes the Pluggable Web Server (PWS) package from Squeak.
• PackageInfo - Models a simple convention for organizing Squeak code
• PackageInfo-Exporters - Exporters in various Smalltalk file formats for PackageInfo packages
• PackageInfo-Extras - Various bits of extra functionality for PackageInfo.
• ParenBlinking - Adds simple parentheses matching to the ParagraphEditor
• Pathnames Enhancement - This changeset contains four methods which expand the named access behavior of Morph objects and includes SUnit tests.
• Persistence - Object/Relational database mapping
• PerspectiveS - PerspectiveS introduces dynamic behavior layering into Squeak.
• PieChartMorph - a morph to draw pie charts
• Pipes Games - Squeak Pipes Game
• Plot Morph - Morph to draw XY plots. See the methods testXXX in the class side.
• PointerExplorer - Follow backwards references to track down memory leaks
• Poses - Lets you remember and recreate arrangements of morphs
• PostgreSQL Client for Squeak - connect to a PostgreSQL database
• Prefab - Widget set and GUI builder for Prefab
• PreferenceBrowser - a PreferencePanel replacement
• PrimCallController - Dis/enabling of external prim calls (primitiveExternalCall), good for testing plugins.
• ProgrammingMorphs - an interactive Squeak-book about programming new morphs
• Project Menu Registry for Squeak 3.5 - Provides a menu registry for the world projects menu.
• ProjectViewMorphs aspects - Controls auto sizes of project view morphs
• ProjectViewMorphs with shadows - Preferences to auto set shadows for ProjectView morphs
• Prolog - Prolog for Squeak
• PropertyList - Reads and writes files in the Apple/NeXT .plist format
• Protocols-Examples - An framework for Unit-tests by examples
• PunchedCards - A simple rendition of the ancient punched card for those too young to remember and those too old to forget.
• PushMeAround - A simple game of sorting 15 numbered squares.
• QuA Component Middleware - Prototype of a QoS-aware component middleware platform
• QuA QRMI - Minimal remote method invocation protocol for QuA Component Middleware
• QuA Tests prototype - Test suite and minimal demonstrations of functionality for QuA Component Middleware
• Quinto - Quinto game variations
• Quotes - Display Quote/Author pairs in a window.
• REPLServer - Remote shell access for Squeak
• ROE - Relational Object Expressions
• RayTracing - A simple ray tracing package
• Redundant1 - A personal experiment with Project-based documentation
• Refactoring Browser and related tools - The Squeak port of the Refactoring Browser, SmallLint and related tools
• Refactoring Browser for 3.2 - At least until we get configs in SM, this version will simply work in 3.2, and not be updated. This will let me just proceed in 3.4, since I don't have the inclination to make double releases.
• Refactoring Browser for 3.4/3.5 - The Squeak port of the Refactoring Browser, SmallLint and related tools
• Refactoring Browser for 3.7 - The RB and Tools for 3.7
• Refactoring Browser for 3.8 - The Refactoring Browser fro 3.8
• Refactoring Browser for 3.9 - Refactoring Browser for 3.9
• Registries - A more flexible way of doing registries
• Regular Expression Plugin - Perl-compatible extended regular expressions for Squeak
• RemoteFrameBuffer - RFB (aka VNC) server and client written entirely in Squeak
• RemoteMessagingToolkit (RMT) - RMT is a toolkit for developing network messaging applications
• Richard's Geemail Example - A Project that demonstrates the purpose of a GeeMailMorph.
• RoleS - Experimental role modeling...
• Roman Numerals - Integers expressed by Roman numerals: testing of correctness and generating random expressions.
• Rotating World for 3.4 - A morph representing a rotating 3D world
• SARBuilder - Helps you create SAR (Squeak ARchive) files easily, from DVS and ChangeSets
• SARInstaller for 3.2 - Lets you load SAR (Squeak ARchive) files from SqueakMap and the File List.
• SARInstaller for 3.4 - Lets you load SAR (Squeak ARchive) files from SqueakMap and the File List.
• SARInstaller for 3.6 - Lets you load SAR (Squeak ARchive) files from SqueakMap and the File List. For 3.6 and later images.
• SC5 - Obfuscated programming language inspired by Space Channel 5
• SDTS Framework - Spatial Data Transfer Standard Framework
• SGrid - A morphic grid anyone?
• SIForgeWizard - A small seaside application demo
• SIMS - A Multi-Agent framework, inspired by The Sims, somewhere between a simulation and a meta-game system.
• SIXX - XML serializer/deserializer written in Smalltalk
• SPL PDF Library - A framework to write PDF files from within Squeak without the need of external tools.
• SPrevayler - A prevalence layer for Squeak
• SQLite - A simple FFI wrapper of the SQLite embedded database.
• SSP - Squeak Server Pages
• SUnit - Unit Testing for Smalltalk
• SUnit active tutorial - Two exercises that to warm up into Test Driven Programming using SUnit
• SVI - Text editor w/ extensive support for VIM and Emacs commands.
• Say Something - Allows morphs to speak synchronously using BalloonMorphs or other presentation objects.
• Scamper - A web browser
• Scamper Installer - This installs Network-HTML and then Scamper
• Scamper Removal - Removes Scamper and HTML-parsing stuff
• Scheduler - Recurring Task Scheduler
• Scheme - A Scheme Interpreter for Squeak
• Screen Shot Morph - A morph helping you to make a screenshot
• Script Manager - An app for keeping track of all of your workspaces, code snippets, and notes.
• Scripting Workspace - Workspace to act like scripting languages like JavaScript, Ruby, Python, Perl, etc
• ScrollBars Enhancements - A set of enhancements to scrollbars.
• Seaside - Develop clean, complex, and reusable web components.
• Seaside Presentation written in Seaside - Seaside Presentation written in Seaside
• SeasideTesting - Unit testing for Seaside components
• SendTreeExplorer - A new execution tracing tool complementary to MessageTally
• Serial Terminal - A serial terminal extension for Ian's Telnet
• ServerTool - An easy setting up tool for Super Swiki.
• Services-Base - Support code for defining Services in Squeak
• Services-Keymapping - Allows the use of keyboard shortcuts to call services
• Services-OB - Allows omnibrowser to use services, like the refactoring services
• Services-RB - Defines the refactorings as Services, so that they can be used in a wider number of places
• Services-Whisker - Services for the Whisker Browser
• Shapes - reading and viewing GIS data in ESRI shapefile format
• SharedStreams - Two stream implementations similar to SharedQueue used for 'piping' between Squeak processes.
• Shout - Syntax highlighting as you type
• ShoutMonticello - Enables Shout highlighting in Monticello browsers
• ShoutOmniBrowser - enables Shout with OmniBrowser1.0a3
• ShoutTraits - enables Shout with Traits Beta1 browser
• ShoutWhisker - Enables Shout with the Whisker Browser
• ShoutWorkspace - A Workspace that syntax highlights code using Shout
• ShowOverdrawPreference - Adds a preference to show overdraw and help you tune your morphs for speed
• ShrinkingSelection - Overhaul of the ParagraphEditor selection hanlding. Allows for selections to shrink
• Simulations - Simulations package based on Purple Book, Part Three
• Singletons - Redefine or delegate methods of individual instances
• Sk+CzWinToSqueak - conversion of Slovak/Czech texts to Squeak with Window native fonts installed
• Skeleton - Dynamic spreadsheet for etoys
• Skins II - Skins II updated for Squeak 3.7
• Skins II for Squeak 3.4 - Skins code ported to Squeak V3.5
• Skins Importer Support for Squeak 3.4 - Change Set required to support Skins II
• Skip modal info dialogs - Skip info-dialogs with only one option. Usefull for automatic filing in of code.
• Skip modal info dialogs tests - Tests the package
• SlideshowMorph - A new implementation of bookmorph
• Slovak/Czech Keyboard - to be used with MS Windows native fonts installed to Squeak
• SmaCC Smalltalk Compiler-Compiler-Development - SmaCC (Smalltalk Compiler-Compiler) is a freely available parser generator for Smalltalk.
• SmaCC Smalltalk Compiler-Compiler-Runtime - Needed if one wants to use SmaCC generated compilers
• SmallBlog - Weblog Server that is small, simple, and easy to use
• SmallDEVS - Simulation framework based on DEVS formalism
• SmallInterfaces - Interface support in Smalltalk.
• SmallLint Tutorial - A small introduction to SmallLint
• SmallWiki - SmallWiki is a complete OO implementation of a Wiki
• SmallWiki-Kernel - part of SmallWiki - the kernel
• Smalltalk 72 - This is Smalltalk 72 for Squeak
• SoapCore - a SOAP implementation for Squeak (including both Client and Server module).
• SoapCoreClient - A SOAP client implementation in Squeak
• SoapCoreServer - A SOAP server implementation in Squeak
• SoapOpera - Multi-transport, multi-encoding SOAP with ORB
• SocketStreamsEnh - Adds support for binary and ascii modes in SocketStreams and implements nextAvailable and nextAvailable:
• Sokoban - A tricky logic puzzle, created by Hiroyuki Imabayashi in 1982.
• Sokoban Enhanced - An enhanced version of the Sokoban game
• Sorrow - A Lispy Forth for Smalltalk
• Sort Critter - The Sort Criteria objects extend the standard SortCollection with a simple yet powerful dynamic multicolumn sorting capability.
• Sorting Demo - A sorting graphical demo comparing efficiency of Quick sort and Max sort.
• SpaceWar - SpaceWar
• Speech - Speech synthesis and facial animation
• SpeechRemoval - Removes the speech synthesis and face animation stuff from the image
• Spread Group Communications Plugin - A plugin that lets you use the Spread (http://www.spread.org) library
• SqCVS - A pure Squeak CVS pserver protocol implementation. No UI.
• Squeak Bulletin Board - A simple morphic project example of a bulletin board
• Squeak Multilingualization - multilingualization enhancement for Squeak
• Squeak Notepad - The Squeak way of interacting with a Notepad
• Squeak Prototypes - Update of original Hans-Martin Mosner code to allow prototype objects in Squeak
• Squeak TaskBar - Simple Windows-like taskbar for switching windows.
• Squeak/.NET Bridge - Allows you to use .NET objects in your Squeak programs
• SqueakAmp - SqueakAmp is an MP3 player for Squeak that has many of the nice features of WinAmp, and a couple that WinAmp doesn't have.
• SqueakElib - partial implementation in squeak of E's Elib ( http://www.erights.org )
• SqueakMap - A load script which will update to/install SqueakMap2.
• SqueakMap Browser - A Morphic browser UI for SqueakMap that can browse the category tree.
• SqueakMap2 base - The base package for SqueakMap2. Contains the domain code.
• SqueakMap2 loader - The Package Loader for SqueakMap2.
• SqueakMap2 server - The server package for SqueakMap2. Mainly a web UI built using HttpView.
• SqueakPrevayler - Prevaylence layer for Sqeak
• SqueakSource - The smart Monticello code-repository for Squeak
• Sqystone - Pystone 1.1 translated to Squeak, for a grain of salt-comparison to Python.
• StackWatcher - StackWatcher catches infinite recursions
• StarBrowser - StarBrowser: Classifications in Action
• StarMorph unbound - Regular Stars of all Shapes, Size and Points. Regular Polygons too.
• State Replication Protocol (SRP) - A dialect independent portable object serializer
• Swazoo-HTTP - The HTTP protocol classes from the Swazoo web server.
• Swazoo-Listener - A very simple webserver using the Swazoo-HTTP classes.
• Swazoo-Server - The server process and request resolution framework from the Swazoo web server.
• Swiki - The classic Squeak wiki
• SystemChangeNotification - Notifies clients of system changes (class additions, method removals, ...) using events.
• SystemTracer - Original SystemTracer class as removed from 3.2 during VMMaker package making
• SystemTracer2 - A better factored (and less space efficient) alternative to SystemTracer
• SystemWindow Enhancements - A couple of small enhancements to system windows
• TAvatarPainter - Enhancements of TPainter, for Croquet Jasmine
• TFNR - Task Force November Revolution, a web app for staking out the image.
• TableLayout Tutorial Project - This is Andreas Raab tutorial on TableLayout
• TalkBack - A SmallTALK BACKup package
• Tamaris - A classifications builder and editing tool
• TargetSighter-wiz - A way for Slider Morphs to pick new targets
• Taskbar - A taskbar for morphic
• Teachable - A teachable object usefull for building mocks
• Techo - Simple notepad
• Telnet - A telnet (and local shell) client plus emulators for various popular terminals.
• Terminus-Client - An interface to the Squeak People web of trust
• Test Runner Enhancements - Some improvements to the SUnit TestRunner
• TestBrowser - An enhanced TestRunner for Squeak.
• Testserver Image Tester - Can be configured to load updates and maps, all SUnit-Tests are run, mail is sent, and image quitted
• TextFiles - Provides flexible support for dealing with text files
• Tiff support - Plugin interface to TiffLib, read/write TIFF
• TimeZoneDBWithTimeStamp - TimeStamp that supports time zones and IS0 8601 formats
• TimeZoneDatabase - Time zone database for world time zones, with UTC offset calculations
• Tracing Messages Browser - Reduce MessageList browser profileration by indenting implementors below and outdenting senders above in the same browser.
• Traducciones al Espaρol - Instalando este paquete, tendrαs una traducciσn del Squeak al Espaρol.
• Train - Fastest Route Finder for Railroad Network
• Traits - New stable implementation of Traits
• Translation German - German translation file
• TrueTypeTextStyle - It provides support for beautiful fonts.
• Typeinference - Concrete Type Inference for Squeak
• URI - Implementation of rfc2396
• Units - Represent, convert, and perform arithmetic with physical unit values
• Universes - handles auto-installation of packages by using package universes
• UnorderedCollections Framework - This framework refactors all of the unordered collections to be implemented using adaptive hashtables.
• Update Incorporation Tool - A tool for the Harvest Master to use to incorporate updates into Squeak
• UpdateStreams for SqueakMap - Provides the ability to load and publish updates for SM packages
• Upgrade to 3.6 Full Image - Upgrades a current 3.6 alpha/beta/gamma image to a Full image by reloading all removed packages from SqueakMap
• UsefulMeterMorphs - An altimeter and a speedomete
• VMMaker - The toolset for building a set of VM code from the Interpreter classes and your handwritten C code
• VRMLCroquetBuilder - A VRML importer for Croquet
• Variables Pane for Browsers for Sqeuak 3.4 - Adds variables pane to several of the Browsers, similar to old Smalltalk/V browsers.
• Vassili's Regex - A port of Vasilli Bykov's Regex matcher
• VersionNumber - Implements a simple automatic version numbering scheme
• Video and Image Processing - Play with video and image processing in Squeak
• WanderingLetters - WanderingLetters
• WarGame Demo - A simple real-time strategy game demo
• WarpSketchMorph - Create funny caricatures from your pictures
• WatchIt! - This adds a 'watch it' choice to the context menus in text editors.
• Whisker Browser - A multiselect-capable, stacking Smalltalk code browser
• Whisker++ - Add-ons to the Whisker Browser
• Win32 Native Fonts - Provides access to native fonts when running Squeak on Win32
• Win32 Standard VM Configuration tests - Tests whether a Win32 Squeak VM adheres to the
• Wintab Tablet Support - Sensor extension for a tablet through Wintab(TM) interface
• WorldExplorer - A tool to explore morphic projects as StarBrowser addon
• WorldMenu Registry Ehancements - Adds appearance and project menus to world menu registry
• Worlds Of Squeak - The Worlds Of Squeak projects from the 3.5 image, as a SAR
• Worlds Of Squeak Removal - A script to remove the 3.6b Worlds Of Squeak project and readme windows
• WriteBarrier - Transparent notification of object state changes
• X Windows System Server - partly functional native implementation of X Window System Server
• X10 Driver for Squeak - This driver allows you to remotely-control Squeak with X10 wireless remotes.
• X11Fonts - Installs various X11 fonts for use as system fonts.
• XBase - Reader/Writer of XBase/dBase (DBF) files
• XDisplayControlPlugin - Provides primitives for controlling the connection to an X display server
• XMLRPC - Server and client for XMLRPC
• XMLTransformer - A Parser for transforming XML without the need of XSL
• XPM Support for Squeak 3.4 - Provides XPM support
• XPMReadWriter - Adds the ability to read and write XPM image files.
• XPath - XPath library for Squeak
• YAXO - YAXO is yet another XML parser.
• Yates - a simple persistence engine
• Yaxo removal - Change set to remove Yaxofrom a 3.6 mage
• ZUIMenu - A Zooming (User Interface) listbox
• ZigZag - Categoring system influenced by Ted Nelson's ZigZag
• Zurgle for Squeak - Provides themed appearances for Squeak, two themes provided
• Zurgle for Squeak (Mirror) - Mirror of the Zurgle for Squeak package
• Zurgle for Squeak 3.2 - Provides themed appearance for Squeak, two themes provided
• alternative word jump - little cs for make CTRL+LEFT y CTRL+RIGHT jump from word to word in words likeThisOne.
• bons - experiments in alife - an alife playground for those who wish to use it.
• click for keyboard focus - To make Morph, PluggableListMorph and PluggableTextMorph accept and release focus only on mouseDown (when the preference mouseOverForKeyboardFocus is set to false)
• eCompletion - Code completion inspired by eclipse.
• eCompletionOmniBrowser - eCompletion for OmniBrowser
• keyboard focus rotation - Changes to Morph, PluggableList and PluggableText to make them the ability to switch keyboard-focus via a keystroke
• presentations tutorial - How and why to author presentations in Squeak.
• rST - Remote Smalltalk - Distributed Squeak objects.
• skins add-on for enhanced IRC for Squeak 3.5 - Add-on for Enhanced IRC client to include Skins II features.