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Last updated at 7:31 am UTC on 2 November 2018
An MorphicEvent object is passed through predefined message calls to all Morphs which want it.

Subclass hierarchy of the class MorphicEvent with instance variables.

 ProtoObject #()
 	Object #()
 		MorphicEvent #(''timeStamp'' ''source'')
 			DropEvent #(''position'' ''contents'' ''wasHandled'')
 				DropFilesEvent #()
 			EventSequence #(''startTime'' ''stopTime'' ''events'')
 				KeyboardEventSequence #()
 				MouseEventSequence #()
 			MorphicUnknownEvent #(''type'' ''argument'')
 				MediaPlayEvent #()
 			UserInputEvent #(''type'' ''buttons'' ''position'' ''handler'' ''wasHandled'' ''wasIgnored'')
 				KeyboardEvent #(''keyValue'')
 				MouseEvent #()
 					MouseButtonEvent #(''whichButton'' ''nClicks'')
 					MouseMoveEvent #(''startPoint'' ''trail'')
 					MouseWheelEvent #(''delta'' ''direction'')
 			WindowEvent #(''action'' ''rectangle'')'