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Last updated at 5:37 pm UTC on 9 January 2022
superclass: DataStream.
        Subclass SmartRefStream.

From the class comment (Squeak 3.4)

This is a way of serializing a tree of objects into disk file. A ReferenceStream can store one or more objects in a persistent form, including sharing and cycles.

Here is the way to use DataStream and ReferenceStream:
	rr := ReferenceStream fileNamed: 'test.obj'.
	rr nextPut: yourObject.
	rr close.

 [rr := ReferenceStream fileNamed: 'test.obj'.
	rr nextPutAll: <yourCollectionOfObjects>] ensure: [rr close].

To get it back:
	rr := ReferenceStream fileNamed: 'test.obj'.
	yourObject := rr next.
	rr close.

ReferenceStreams can now write "weak" references. nextPutWeak: writes a "weak" reference to an object, which refers to that object if it also gets written to the stream by a normal nextPut:.

A ReferenceStream should be treated as a read-stream or as a write-stream, not as a read/write-stream. The reference-remembering mechanism would probably do bad things if you tried to read and write from the same ReferenceStream.

[TBD] Should we override "close" to do (self forgetReferences)?

Instance variables


an IdentityDictionary mapping objects already written to their byteStream positions. If asked to write any object a second time, we just write a reference to its stream position. This handles shared objects and reference cycles between objects. To implement "weak references" (for Aliases), the references dictionary also maps objects not (yet?) written to a Collection of byteStream positions with hopeful weak-references to it. If asked to definitely write one of these objects, we'll fixup those weak references.


An IdentityDictionary mapping relative byte stream positions to objects already read in. If asked to follow a reference, we return the object already read. This handles shared objects and reference cycles between objects.


The current reference position. Position relative to the start of object data in this file. (Allows user to cut and paste Smalltalk code from the front of the file without affecting the reference values.)

This variable is used to help install each new object in "objects" as soon as it's created, Error: this should not happenbeforeError: this should not happen we start reading its contents, in case any of its content objects reference it.


A weak reference can be a forward reference, which requires advance-reading the referrent. When we later come to the object, we must get its value from "objects" and not re-read it so refs to it don't become refs to copies. fwdRefEnds remembers the ending byte stream position of advance-read objects.


true if


true if we are being used to collect objects that will be included in an ImageSegment. If so, UniClasses must be noted and traced.

If the object is referenced before it is done being created, it might get created twice. Just store the object the moment it is created in the 'objects' dictionary. If at the end, comeFullyUpOnReload returns a different object, some refs will have the temporary object (this is an unlikely case). At the moment, no implementor of comeFullyUpOnReload returns a different object except DiskProxy, and that is OK.

See also FileDictionary: Tiny Squeak Database

Another ReferenceStream example

 dir := ((FileDirectory default containingDirectory  containingDirectory containingDirectory containingDirectory) / 'export') pathName.
 rr := ReferenceStream fileNamed: dir, '/PictureFiles2.obj'.
 rr nextPut: PictureFiles current pictures.
 rr close.