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Make 3.9 Green
Last updated at 2:53 pm UTC on 4 November 2006
Ralph Johnson complained (rightfully IMHO) that the unit tests in a release image should all be green.
Although there are some tests which can't be green in all circumstances, I think that we should at least come near the goal. – hmm (hmm's response)

This page is a place where every failing unit test in the 3.9 image (I'm talking about R3-7066) and proposed fixes can be discussed.
Let's start by listing the failures and errors:


	^ '#' , self hex

	| aStream |
	aStream := (String new: 6) writeStream. 
	aStream nextPutAll: (((self red * 255) asInteger printStringBase: 16)
		padded: #left to: 2 with: $0).
	aStream nextPutAll: (((self green * 255) asInteger printStringBase: 16)
		padded: #left to: 2 with: $0).
	aStream nextPutAll: (((self blue * 255) asInteger printStringBase: 16)
		padded: #left to: 2 with: $0).
	^ aStream contents



Most of the failing test cases are MVCToolBuilder related. Since spicing up MVC with all the required functionality is probably not a primary goal, another option might be to override all the failing tests with no-ops.

If you check on mantis you will see a lot of 3.9 tests, bugs, and fixes.
One class of cleanups that do not have test yet is unimplemented calls.
The image should have no unexplained unimplemented calls. It has plenty. A total of 187 unimplemented methods.
Most of them are indications of things that need to be removed or cleaned up.
Some part of this page and its effort should probably have a report on mantis also. –wiz
Ok, what about including a reference to the mantis bug report for those bugs which have one? I'll try to do this for some, but probably won't be able to do it for all. – hmm


Here's a changeset which overrides the MVCToolBuilderTests methods and fixes the Color and Complex bugs: