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Recipe: Graphical display of all projects
Last updated at 12:05 pm UTC on 6 May 2019

The problem

You want to have a graphical overview panel of all your projects.


Paste the following code snippet into a Workspace and execute it

 p := PasteUpMorph new.
 p extent: 800@600.
 p layoutPolicy: TableLayout new.
 p listDirection: #leftToRight.
 p wrapCentering: #topLeft.
 p wrapDirection: #topToBottom.
 Project allNames do: 
   [ :aName | p addMorph: 
 	(ProjectViewMorph on: (Project named: aName)) ].
 p color: Color green.
 p openInWorld.

You get a PasteUpMorph which includes buttons to jump to a specific Project.

The same wrapped with a SystemWindow and a ScrollPane

p := PasteUpMorph new.
p extent: 600@1000.
p layoutPolicy: TableLayout new.
p listDirection: #leftToRight.
p wrapCentering: #topLeft.
p wrapDirection: #topToBottom.

p layoutPolicy: TableLayout new;
    listDirection: #topToBottom;
    color: Color white.
sp := ScrollPane new extent: 600@500.
sp scroller addMorph: p.

 Project allNames asSortedCollection do: 
  [ :aName | p addMorph: 
	(ProjectViewMorph on: (Project named: aName)) ].
 p color: Color green.

 sp openInWindow.
 sp setScrollDeltas.

This code was adapted from
Recipe: Create a window with scrollable contents - example 4