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TextMorph example with wrapFlag: true
Last updated at 3:20 pm UTC on 9 January 2022
TextMorph example

Use the default font and fixed width of the TextMorph. Vertical expansion as needed so that the string fits.
Vertical expansion is cause by
 textMorph wrapFlag: true.

Try the code snippet with and without this statement.

|  textMorph  |

textMorph :=TextMorph new 
contents: 'a text a text a text a text a text a text a text a text a text a text a text a text a text a text a text a text a text a text a text a text a text a text a text a text a text a text '.

textMorph wrapFlag: true.
textMorph width: 400.

textMorph color: Color white.
textMorph backgroundColor: Color blue.

textMorph openInHand

The same as above but with another font:

|  fontRef textMorph aString aText |

aString := 'Text: abcde fghij klmno pqrst uvwxy z  ... a text a text a text a text a text a text a text a text a text a text a text a text a text a text a text a text a text a text a text a text a text a text a text a text '.

fontRef  :=  (TextFontReference toFont:  (StrikeFont familyName: 'Atlanta' size: 22)).

aText  := aString asText addAttribute: fontRef.

textMorph :=TextMorph new contents: aText.
textMorph wrapFlag: true.
textMorph width: 400.

textMorph color: Color white.
textMorph backgroundColor: Color blue.

textMorph openInHand

Two TextMorph instances with vertical expansion in a container.

 container := AlignmentMorph newColumn.

With the method #newColumn an instance of AligmentMorph is obtained where the Example - aMorph addMorph: anotherMorph (no layout and TableLayout) will be stacked vertically.

 container  hResizing: #shrinkWrap; 
            vResizing: #shrinkWrap.

These settings make the extent of the container adapt to the size needed by the Example - aMorph addMorph: anotherMorph (no layout and TableLayout):

tm1 : aTextMorph
tm2 : aTextMorph

tm1 (the title morph) is added first.

 container addMorphBack: tm2 
is used to add the text body after tm1. It #addMorph: would have been used it would have been added in front of tm1.

|  container fontRef tm1 tm2 aString aText |

fontRef  :=  (TextFontReference toFont:  (StrikeFont familyName: 'Atlanta' size: 22)).

aString := 'a Title (= a short text in instance 1 of TextMorph) '.

tm1 :=TextMorph new contents: (aString asText addAttribute: fontRef).
tm1 backgroundColor: Color white.
tm1 wrapFlag: true.
tm1 width: 400.

aString := 'Text in instance 2 of TextMorph: abcde fghij klmno pqrst uvwxy z  ... ABCDE FGHIJ KLMNO PQRST UVWXY Z a text a text a text a text a text a text a text a text a text  a text  a text a text '.
aText  := aString asText addAttribute: fontRef.

tm2 :=TextMorph new contents: aText.
tm2 wrapFlag: true.
tm2 width: 400.

tm2 color: Color white.
tm2 backgroundColor: Color blue.

container := AlignmentMorph newColumn.
container  hResizing: #shrinkWrap; 
                vResizing: #shrinkWrap.
container addMorph: tm1.
container addMorphBack: tm2.

container openInHand



In this case the AlignmentMorph is not really needed. The following gives a similar result

 container := Morph new.
 container  hResizing: #shrinkWrap; 
            vResizing: #shrinkWrap.

See The AlignmentMorph may be replaced by any Morph class