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Hello world example with Environments
Last updated at 11:56 am UTC on 3 March 2017
| createHelloClass createHelloMethod english spanish |

"Straight but verbose code to create a Hello class and compile a say method.
 There's one trick: Environment current, otherwise Compiler would evaluate in nil class environment, not good"

createHelloClass := [Object subclass: #Hello
            instanceVariableNames: ''
            classVariableNames: ''
            poolDictionaries: ''
            category: 'Test'].
createHelloMethod := [:greeting |
    | methodSource sourceCode |
    methodSource := 'say Transcript cr; show: ' , greeting printString.
    sourceCode := 'Hello class compile: ' , methodSource printString , ' classified: ' , 'test' printString.
    Compiler evaluate: sourceCode environment: Environment current].

"Create the english and spanish environments"
english := Smalltalk globals.
spanish := Environment withName: 'Spanish'.
spanish importSelf.
spanish from: english import: #Transcript.

"Create the class and compile the method in each environment:"

[createHelloClass value.
createHelloMethod value: 'Hello world'] on: CurrentEnvironment do: [:exc | exc resume: english].

[createHelloClass value.
createHelloMethod value: 'Buenos dias'] on: CurrentEnvironment do: [:exc | exc resume: spanish].

Compiler evaluate: 'Hello say' environment: english.
Compiler evaluate: 'Hello say' environment: spanish.
Compiler evaluate: 'Hello say' environment: english.

[Compiler evaluate: 'Hello removeFromSystem' environment: Environment current] on: CurrentEnvironment do: [:exc | exc resume: english].
[Compiler evaluate: 'Hello removeFromSystem' environment: Environment current] on: CurrentEnvironment do: [:exc | exc resume: spanish].


Yes, a DynamicVariable:

    CurrentEnvironment value: english during: ["load something"].

would be nicer than:

     ["load something"] on: CurrentEnvironment do: [:exc | exc resume: english].

Otherwise we could fileIn some chunk format stream thru en EnvironmentLoader for: english...


Updated version of this example