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IRC Portal (Difference)


!Welcome to the Squeak IRC channel!
Well, of course you're reading a webpage at the moment. But in theory you were referred here by the "#squeak" *IRC>http://www.irc.org/* channel at *Freenode>http://www.freenode.net* (logged at *http://ircbrowse.com* and *http://tunes.org/~nef/logs/squeak/*). There we discuss *Squeak>http://www.squeak.org*, an implementation of the *Smalltalk* object software system. Ask us any question about Squeak! We're especially interested in helping newcomers.
- Squeak has an IRC client *IRCe* written for it that is pretty straightforward and user friendly.
- If you don't know how to connect to an IRC server, you can access it *here, running as a java applet>http://bitquabit.com/squeakChat* inside your browser. If you need help finding an IRC client for your operating system or help setting one up to connect #squeak, feel free to ask once you're connected.
Remember to use your favorite web search engine for more about specific topics. Here also are some other good places to visit, for context and useful information:
!!*The Homepage>http://squeak.org/*
Go here first to learn about Squeak.
Note in particular the Quick References and collection of Free Smalltalk/Squeak Books.
!!*The Wiki>Squeak*This has most of Squeak's documentation and should be your second destination (actually you are already on that site since this page is a part of the Squeak Swiki).
!!*Squeak Swiki*This has more Squeak documentation and should be your third destination (actually you are already on that site since this page is a part of the Squeak Swiki).
!!*The Code Catalog>http://map.squeak.org/*See all the code that can be instantly installed from Squeak's package manager.
!!*The Mailing List>Squeak Mailing Lists*Discuss day-to-day Squeak-related issues with the developer community.
!!*The Community site ("Squeak People")>http://people.squeakfoundation.org/*See who else is in the community, and participate in longer-term discussions.
!!*The IRC channel paste bot>http://paste.lisp.org/new/squeak*Paste statements to the Squeak IRC channel from a web browser, with or without being on IRC.
!!*The Squeak Project-hosting Site ("SqueakSource")>http://www.squeaksource.com*This is a central hosting area for code development viaMonticello, Squeak's native version-control package.
!!Again, Welcome!