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History of this Page (Interesting tests using Magma)

This document contains a history of this page, from the current version to the earliest one available.

Version   Name   User   Date   Time  
current   Interesting tests using Magma   bchm-d9bae90e.pool.mediaWays.net   17 January 2006   12:41 am
Interesting tests using Magma   206-161-205-186.btnaccess.net   14 January 2006   3:02 pm
Interesting tests using Magma   mkc-65-28-95-103.kc.rr.com   6 February 2003   1:41 am
Interesting tests using Magma   mkc-65-28-95-103.kc.rr.com   6 February 2003   1:41 am
Interesting tests using Magma   mkc-65-28-95-103.kc.rr.com   6 February 2003   1:41 am
Interesting tests using Magma   mkc-65-28-95-103.kc.rr.com   6 February 2003   1:40 am
Interesting tests using Magma   mkc-65-28-95-103.kc.rr.com   6 February 2003   12:17 am
Interesting tests with Magma   mkc-65-28-95-103.kc.rr.com   6 February 2003   12:15 am